Part XXVI - The Battle of Hogwarts (Part Two)

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You stood motionless, even though you tried to fight.

It was no surprise that it was the magic preventing you from moving.

Mephisto and Agatha stepped in front of you, in coordination. The spell was beginning.

They stood on opposite sides of the pentagram, and you began to hear whispers in the distance, as if the wind was talking to you.

"I, Agatha Harkness, Mentor of the Mark of Morgana, reverse my fusion." Announced the witch loudly, and in the next second, her eyes glowed purple, like the fire of the candles.

You screamed, as your body ached all at once.

And Agatha repeated the words again.

Once, twice. The third time, you could feel Wanda's magic coming out of you.

If not for the pain, you would have opened your eyes to see the red mist in the air, escaping through your body.

"Please stop." you begged between sobs, losing your breath over the sensation.

Agatha's voice faltered when she repeated the words again, but she continued.

You fell flat on your face after a moment. Your whole body trembled, weak. You thought you were going to pass out, but you were being kept awake.

"It's done, Faustus." The witch said to the man as you shuddered against the concrete.

"Yes, I can feel the scarlet magic in the air." Said the man with an expression of adoration. "Now it's my turn, old friend."

Mephisto took a step toward you, and you felt a slight pressure on your forehead.

Your body hurt too much for you to feel the cut, so you just closed your eyes as the blood oozed out.

"I, Mephisto, the true master of scarlet magic, revoke my protector."

But nothing happened.

He tried again. And he let out an annoyed grunt when the candles remained blue.

Agatha cleared her throat.

"You need to say the right words, Faustus. " She said and the man looked at her irritated.

"I am not a thief, Agatha. The magic is rightfully mine."

"Faustus, those are Morgana's words." The witch tried to reason to the man who had crossed his arms stubbornly. "She will not accept the names you have chosen for yourself. You need to do the spell the right way to end this soon."

It takes a moment, but the man accepts, sighing, and raising his hands in the air.

"I, Faustus Mephistopheles, the Thief of Scarlet Magic, reverse the protection spell."

This time you thought you were dying.

You couldn't even scream, your voice dying in your throat as your body began to shake.

And a throbbing in the back of your mind.

Your memories of Wanda came flooding back.

You not being able to duel with her.

Snow war with her in the third year, her face flushed from the cold.

Her facing a dragon, and you thought your heart would burst out of your chest.

Wanda in the ministry of magic, your spells together protecting her from Mephisto the first time.

Her crying face when she ended you two.

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