Part XXII - The Witch's Cabin

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Agatha's house was bigger than you expected.

But considering that only a few days ago you thought she lived at Hogwarts, you figured it best not to comment that you had been impressed by the winter cabin, very nice by the way.

"Do you think we're still in England?" You ask Wanda softly, but she shrugs her shoulders, looking as impressed with the house as you are.

"No, Miss Stark." Agatha replies clearly having been able to hear you. "Welcome to Romania."

Agatha led you both inside, the same room as the memories. The cabin was different too, it looked nicer, and more organized. It was to be expected that things had changed over the years.

"I have some vacant rooms, but I imagine you will want to sleep in the same one." Says the witch, "You can choose any upstairs."

You and Wanda feel a bit out of place, but the witch doesn't seem to mind that you are looking around curiously, all the way upstairs.

Agatha's house is surprisingly cozy. There seemed to be a lot of leather and fur objects, and you wondered how cold it really got in the winter.

Wanda sighed slightly when you reached the bedroom, and she left her purse on the double bed, turning to you.

"Are we sure about this?" She asked hesitantly, and you bit your lips, putting your hands in your pockets and letting your gaze roam the room one last time.

"I'm in if you are, darling."

Wanda smiled at your words, and moved closer, her hands coming up to your neck.

"If anything suspicious happens, we'll leave." She says. "Anything that puts you in danger, or makes you uncomfortable. You tell me, and we go."

You let your hands go around her waist. "Same to you, Wands." You say, looking at her seriously. "If it's too much, in any sense, from your magic or talking about your mother, you tell me. And we'll go away and figure out together what to do next."

Wanda sighs, and rests her forehead against yours. You both take a deep breath together before you walk away, smiling tenderly at each other.

When you finally walk back down to the living room, Agatha has already lit the fireplace, and looks peaceful.

You and Wanda stand side by side, arms crossed, and she smiles at the image.

"How do you like the room?" She asks casually, but Wanda looks at her with squeezed eyes.

"You said we were out of time, so let's skip the small talk." She says, and Agatha sighs, moving to prepare some tea on the fire.

"Unfortunately, we missed the meteor shower, because of our little disagreement." She begins. "The next one will be in three months."


"To perform the ritual, we need a meteor shower, Miss Maximoff." The witch interrupts the younger girl's warning tone, "I'm not trying to wind you up, it's just the truth. We'll get busy destroying the other two horcruxes in the meantime."

"What about your memories, Agatha?" You ask drawing her attention to you. "You told us you would no longer lie. Show us the truth then."

"As you wish, Miss Stark." She says waving to the empty chairs. You follow Wanda as she sits down after a moment's hesitation. "And since we're being honest, I need to confess that the reason I didn't bring you before to my house is because I don't live alone."

You and Wanda exchange surprised and confused looks, and Agatha clears her throat.

"I have an apprentice, er, a friend-a familiar-I." She starts half uncertain of her own words, twisting her fingers in front of her belly. "His name is Charles Xavier and-"

The Scarlet Witch Prophecy  - Wanda Maximoff x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now