Civil War: Kotal Kahn

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(Ermac, Erron Black, Reptile, and Ferra Torr are out with the guards while D'vorah is inside the Carriage along with Kano and Kotal.)

Kotal Kahn: Twenty million.
Kano: Emperor... What's the expression? "S'not worth the dirt on my shoe"?
D'vorah: Kotal Kahn has always bargained Fairly with you, Kano.
Kano: Sure, sure. I'm just sayin'... Upgraded weapons, my intel— and poof! The long Outworld civil war- done. Might be nice to kick back a bit, eh?
Kotal Kahn: You know Mileena's location.
Kano: And her whole rebel army. S'gotta be worth at least... fifty.
Kotal Kahn: I must attack her. Immediately. End this conflict. As you say, it drains us.

(Kano then looks outside the Carriage to see Mileena, Rain, and Tremor who he brought to help fight against Kotal up on the roof running skill fully to meet up with Tanya.)

Kano: Right. Do we have a deal?
Guard: Hold!

(They then stop moving.)

Kotal Kahn: What is it, D'vorah?
D'vorah: The Emperor should not be concerned. Accident ahead. This One will clear it.

(She says as she walks out the carriage and to the accident.)

D'vorah: Make way for Kotal Kahn! Move!

(She orders and as she goes to help move everything in the way. Meanwhile on the rooftop Mileena, Rain, Tremor, Tanya, Skarlet and the Tarkatans are witnessing everything that's happening.)

Tanya: The Tarkatans are in position. We await your order.
Mileena: It is given, dearest Tanya.
Skarlet: Good. It will be most satisfying killing Kotal's soldiers.

(Tanya nods and goes to her post ready to fight with Skarlet, Tremor and two Tarkatans following behind her.)

Rain: Stopping a carriage is nothing. Killing an emperor...
Mileena: False emperor!
Rain: requires power. Power you have, Mileena. And won't use.

(She then pulls out Shinnok's amulet.)

Mileena: It pains me to use it, Rain. I need more time. The usurper' excursion came too soon...
Rain: The rain falls where it may.
Mileena: No matter— If Kano does what I paid him to do.

(Back on the ground Ermac is helping put the crates back onto the cart while D'vorah is yelling at some guards.)

D'vorah: Now! Do it!

(Suddenly someone yells and Kotal and Kano look out to see Tarkatans running towards there carriage. Kotal gasps as as the Tarkatans start to fight the guards. One Tarkatan tries to cut Ermac's head off with his blade but Ermac uses his magic and bends his body in half and knocks him down against another Tarkatan. Ferr/Torr (mostly Torr) starts punching Tarkatans away and slamming them to the ground and just basically starts destroying all the Tarkatans they see. Erron Black starts shooting Tarkatans in the head while Reptile spits on a Tarkatan and starts fighting more of them hand to hand. D'vorah sees some Tarkatans about to attack her so she uses her stingers to stab them and poison them.)

D'vorah: brzzat fon-YEH!

(More Tarkatans start coming into the battlefield as Kano and Kotal are still in the carriage.)

Kotal Kahn: Akta... Tok Norei...!
Kano: You said a mouth full.

(He says as he takes out a knife attacks Kotal with it. Kotal blocks the attack and punches Kano. Kano again tries to stab Kotal but Kotal holds the knife back and pushes Kano to one of the seats in the carriage and start punching Kano repeatedly and then when he is done doing that he head butts Kano's head. Kano then grabs Kotal's shoulders and pushes him back into the same carriage seat he was sitting on. He then tries to hit Kotal with his eye beam but fails as Kotal blocks it with his wrist. Kotal the shoves his thumb right into Kano's eye as Kano does an Australian screech. He then kicks Kano to a seat and starts beating his ass up and while he is doing that he then throws Kano along with himself out the carriage, getting on top of Kano repeatedly punching him in the face when Kano catches a punch and throws Kotal off him.)

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