Back In Hell: Jax Briggs

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Kenshi: Feeling better? Or worse?
Jax: Not sure. Maybe both.

(Kenshi chuckles a bit)

Kenshi: They'll be fine.
Jax: Question is, will I be...
Kenshi: We have good crossfire position. But why is it Quan Chi travels by conventional means?

(Sareena then walks towards them.)

Sareena: He seems unable to fully use his magic. He's weaker than when I was... in his service...
Jax: Sareena's dead-on. He doesn't have Shinnok as a power source. He's still Quan Chi though.

(They then walk over behind a big rock for cover.)

Kenshi: I realize you agreed to guide and observe. But you are welcome to assume any role you wish.
Jax: I'm too rusty. Don't want to jeopardize the mission.
Sareena: He approaches.

(They look as they see Quan Chi in the leading demon horse followed by Revenant's Sindel, Amora, Liu Kang, Kitana, Jade, Kung Lao, Kabal, Smoke, Stryker, and Nightwolf.)

Kenshi: Now!

(He says as the soldiers point there guns and start firing at the Revenant's and there horses. There horses stop as a Soldier shoots Kung Lao's horse in the neck and falls to the ground with Kung Lao falling with it. Sindel gets off her Horse while Amora gets off her's as well as they both go on opposite sides to take cover. Jax then looks at Sindel as she then blast a soldier killing him. Stryker shoots another soldier straight in the head. Another Soldier shoots the Demon horse Quan Chi was on, and falls to the ground and traps his leg under the horse. Liu Kang gets off his horse to help Quan Chi as Kabal covers him and uses his hook swords to cut off both the soldiers heads.)

Jax: Shit...

(Kenshi then takes out his sword and pushes Kabal off his horse with his magic. Liu Kang is helping Quan Chi when suddenly Soldiers walk up towards him and before they could shoot Jade uses her Green glow kick and kicks them in a row literally as Amora had summon Green energy swords and holds it out for the soldiers as they are then thrown onto her swords and stabbed in the stomach, killing them instantly. She takes out the swords from the bodies and starts to fight and kill more Soldiers as Jade does the same. Just as Jax is going to go after Quan Chi, Kung Lao then stops and walks towards Jax.)

Revenant Kung Lao: Do not interfere, Jackson Briggs. Go back into hiding.
Jax: Hiding. I guess I have been.

(Jax and Revenant Kung Lao fight with Jax winning slamming his fist into Kung Lao's face repeatedly.)

Jax: That knocked some of my rust off...

(While Liu Kang is dealing with some guards protecting Quan Chi, Jax is about to grab a gun when Amora uses her Energy Wip to knock the gun away and tries to throw it back at Jax, but he ducks. When she sees this she goes in for two kick hitting him twice but when she tries to hit him again he grabs her legs, spins it, and throws her to the she was previously on. She gets up and walks towards Jax.)

Revenant Amora: You we're freed yet you come back to the Neatherrealm? Why?
Jax: To protect my family from you.
Revenant Amora: Your "family" will join us in hell and serve Lord Shinnok... as will you again too.

(Jax and Revenant Amora fight with Jax winning using his fatal blow on her.)

Jax: No one threatens my family.

(Jax then looks over to see Quan Chi and Liu Kang running away and as he picks up a gun Sindel screams at him making him fly towards a cliff. Sindel laughs as she then stomps on his hand. She stomps on it again. As she is going to stomp on his hand again he grabs onto her leg and as he prepares to fall she uses her hair to grab onto a large rock preventing them from falling. She then pulls both of them up and quickly get up.)

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