december 4 - a snowball fight

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december 4 - a snowball fight

1d Fanfic - uni AU-ish

A platonic OT5 thing (with whispers of Narry)


Harry was pretty sure this was the worst day of his life. His kettle had broken that morning after a massive all-nighter, so he couldn't have his last cup of tea before he went off to the exam he'd been studying for these last few days. He missed the bus and he had to run the twenty blocks to campus because the next bus would make him late. He was late anyways, bursting into his exam ten minutes after the start time and earning him the scorn of every student in the room. Liam had looked up from where he had been staring blankly at the questions to give him an inquisitive look; Zayn kept plugging through, scrawling out sentences before he lost his train of thought.

When he finally got to a desk, his pen was out of ink and the lead in his pencil kept breaking every time he sharpened it. He'd write about three sentences before the point snapped and he'd have to furiously twist the pencil in the sharpener. By the time he was done, there was a stack of shavings on the desk about 4 inches high. He would have been fine with this if he wasn't panicking, forgetting everything, and resorting to writing furiously every last detail he remembered in an attempt to get marks for effort. When he handed the test in, he was pretty sure he'd only gotten one question right and his hand was cramping furiously.

"I'm just so glad it's done," Liam said as they walked out of the exam room together, Zayn and Harry on either side of him. His head swung back and forth between the two of them, waiting anxiously for their reactions. "What'd you two think?"

"It was alright," Zayn said with a shrug. "A lot of writing, mind, but the questions were fair."

Obviously Harry had been writing another test because he'd found it extremely difficult and thought that questions were ambiguous and poorly worded. Maybe he'd just read them all wrong and answered them incorrectly. There went his mark.

"You studied for weeks, Harry, you must've done just fine." Liam shrugged it off as if it wasn't even a question. It made it feel ten times worse because Harry had worked for weeks preparing for this exam. It was one of his favourite courses and he felt comfortable with the material. That hadn't mattered apparently because he'd completely fucked up the exam.

"You alright, Harry?" Zayn asked from Liam's other side as they stepped out of the exam hall and into the snow that had started falling in the three hours they had been shut into the exam hall. It was heavy, thick snow that was quickly piling onto any available surface, including Zayn's hair and probably also Harry's. His curls were going to go mad if they got wet. Perfect.

"I'm fine," he said, unconvincingly if Liam's frown was anything to go by. "I'm with Liam. I'm just glad it's all over and we can - oh!"

A step from the bottom, Harry's foot caught a slippery patch and flew out from beneath him, sending him flying backwards. He landed hard on his bottom in a pile of fresh snow, soaking through the seat of his trousers immediately and shoving up the back of his shirt, sending freezing cold water dripping down the back of his pants. A couple of kids walking out behind them began to laugh and it became a chorus of chuckles from all directions as more and more people flooded out and noticed the scene he had made.

Harry's cheeks flushed madly, his skin turning bright red. He was humiliated - couldn't even keep his own fucking feet on the ground. Every time he tried to push himself up, sinking his hands into the cold snow at his sides, he just ended up back on his bum. Liam attempted to help him up at one point, shoving his arm under Harry's and trying to pull him up but it ended with Liam sprawled out beside Harry instead.

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