december 30 - drunk at a new year's party

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december 30 - drunk at a new year's party

1D Fanfic/Salute

A little Piper & Niall friendship thing - excerpt from ch. 18


"A pint, mate," Niall called over the noise. The bartender didn't even have to ask what beer Niall wanted. He immediately began pouring a Guinness, sliding it across the bar when it was full.

"And you, love?" the bartender asked Piper, waiting for her drink order.

She was feeling all wrong for a night of dancing and she didn't want to feel like that anymore. It was time to drink. "You're still buying right?" Piper asked Niall, craning her head back to see him. He nodded his agreement reluctantly. "Two shots of Stoli," Piper told the bartender, holding up two fingers in case he got confused.

The bartender actually had the audacity to lean over and say, "are you sure I can't mix you a cocktail?"

"She asked for the Stoli, mate," Niall said a bit shortly to the bartender. "So give her the Stoli."

Piper gave Niall a sweet smile over her shoulder as the bartender did as he had been asked to do. Niall gave her a pat on the shoulder in return and then leaned in close to mutter in her ear, "just for tonight because I think you need it a bit. But it's not happening again."

Piper nodded quietly before turning back toward the bar. Niall obviously sensed that she was out of sorts but did not condone the kind of heavy drinking Piper was planning on doing. Stoli was the kind of vodka that you drank to get drunk. Piper had never been one for mixed drinks so she was used to shots. Tequila usually did the job with a little bit of a kick but when she just wanted to shoot something back, vodka was her go-to.

Two shot glasses were set down on the bar in front of her by the bartender and Niall tossed over a couple of bills to cover the drinks. He was already a third of the way through his beer when Piper threw back the first shot. It was smooth with just a bit of heat on the end and she hissed as she set the shot glass down on the bar. She took a breath and then the other shot was on its way down too.

She knew it would only take a bit before she started feeling that so she turned to Niall to see what he was interested in doing. He took a swig of his beer and then nodded toward the dance floor. "Interested?" he asked. Piper shrugged which Niall took for a yes because he grabbed her hand again and pulled her through the crowd.

By the time the two of them were onto the dance floor, the song had switched to Come On Eileen which seemed to bolster every Irish inch of Niall's body into dancing. Despite him still holding a beer and everyone on this dance floor being close enough to know every inch of each other's bodies, Niall managed to dance terribly, moving his legs and arms in very strange ways in between swigging back his Guinness.

The vodka hit as the song shifted into something by Billy Idol and Piper lost the majority of her inhibitions which was probably why she ended up grinding up on some guy she'd never seen before. He'd told her kindly that he was gay. She'd told him that she just wanted to dance. They'd spent one very magical Billy Idol song rubbing bodies in a completely platonic way.

By the time the third song was done, Piper was sweaty and tipsy and she was starting to have a good time. Niall yanked her back toward the bar because he wanted another beer and she let him, hoping he would buy her another drink as well. He did, after she had given him big puppy dog eyes, and she threw back another shot of vodka, Grey Goose this time because she wanted to be a little classier. Niall's wallet did not appreciate it.

"Are you lonely Niall?" Piper asked him as she leaned back against the bar and surveyed the place. It was probably beyond fire capacity at this point because it didn't seem like there was an inch of movable space. Across the room in the VIP, Piper could see Perrie and Eleanor laughing their heads off at Louis's expense, who had hung his head in shame. Liam seemed to have disappeared.

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