piper and harry felt a little bit jealous

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the five times that Piper and Harry felt a little bit jealous


Harry was a pretty confident guy. He knew his own capabilities, ones that he'd been working to perfect for years now. He was comfortable with his own personality and the way he used it to his advantage in social interactions. He knew that he was attractive and that years of conditioning had made his body a showpiece (he used that to his advantage too).

He didn't think he'd ever suffered under the burn of jealousy, at least not since he was a child. He didn't have any reason to be jealous.

So when he walked into T branch and saw the attractive agent hovering over Piper's desk, watched her throw her head back and laugh with a grin that he'd associated with being just for him, it took him a moment to recognize the feeling boiling up inside of him as the green-eyed monster. That didn't stop his fists from clenching at his side, his back from straightening as he walked briskly across the wide open room.

The other little T branch minions watched him pass, already tapping out gossip-filled texts on their phones so that the incident of his uncontrollable jealousy would be spread across the building before he even got to Piper's desk.

It took longer than usual to draw her attention which only made the feeling worse. When the young agent leaned over to touch her arm innocently as he told her a story, Harry had to hold back before he ripped his arm right off his body.

It wasn't until he was five steps away from her desk that Piper noticed him, her grin widening at the sight of him. It should have helped with this jealous inclination that was steamrolling over the rational part of his brain but he only narrowed his eyes at the agent.

"Hi Harry," Piper greeted brightly, waving Harry closer. He rounded her desk so he was standing beside her chair, Agent Boy-Toy standing on the other side. Harry took a strange satisfaction at the way that Piper wrapped her arm around his thighs and dragged him closer, holding on tight. The agent's eyes drifted from Piper's arm up to Harry's smug grin and his expression soured.

"Good day, petal?" Harry asked her, drawing his gaze down to his girlfriend who was beaming, in an absolutely excellent mood. He hoped it wasn't because of Agent Boy-toy.

"Amazing," she told him brightly. "This is Jackson. He was working with the Spooks but now he's coming over to work with the real spies. And they want me to train him. Me!"

So that's why she was excited. Harry had to admit that his stomach stopped turning over when he knew that it was about her being trusted to train a newbie and not the newbie himself. The smile slipped a bit on Jackson's face because he'd obviously been under the impression that his flirting had been somewhat successful.

"Congratulations, petal," Harry said warmly before holding a professional hand out to Jackson. "Nice to meet you. I'm Harry Styles, Piper's boyfriend."

He hadn't been sure that the name dropping would work because, while he was known well throughout Vauxhall Cross, his name wasn't as widely known in Thames House.

He got a little bit too much satisfaction from the way Agent Boy-toy's eyes widened and his palm was sweaty when he finally reached out to shake Harry's hand. "N-nice to meet you, sir." So he had heard of him. "I'm, um, I'm going to go and get sorted with administration. I'll see you tomorrow morning, Piper — I mean, Agent Stone."

The lad scurried off quickly leaving Harry alone with Piper (well, as alone as one could be in T branch). There was a proud grin etched onto Harry's lips until he caught sight of Piper's amused expression. He pushed an innocent frown onto his face. "Is something wrong?"

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