they went on a real, proper date

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the five times that Harry and Piper actually went on a real date (sort of)

the five times that Harry and Piper actually went on a real date (sort of)

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"Are you excited?"

"Are you kidding?" Piper shoved Harry which, based on the way he barely even swayed, was ineffective. "You're taking me on an actual proper date. We haven't done that in, oh I don't know, our entire relationship."

"I've taken you on dates." Harry pouted indignantly as he held the door open for her and the two of them walked into the cinema which was only about a third full because it was still early in the evening.

"Name one."

"How about our first date?" he countered, sounding a little too proud of himself. Piper rolled her eyes.

"That doesn't count. And don't," she added sternly, "say the day that we went for dessert because that was my idea."

"Well, don't say I never offered." Harry had spotted a two seater for them obviously because he grabbed her hand quickly and began pulling her in the opposite direction of where she had been intending to go. "Just last week I said we should go out for dinner but you were already in your pyjamas and you didn't want to change."

"I was tired," Piper defended.

"It was half past six." When Piper tried to come up with something in retaliation, Harry gave her a lingering sceptical look and she shut her lips, pursing them unhappily.

"Remind me why I date you?"

"Don't be like that, petal," Harry said with a stupid grin as he pulled them down a row toward a two-seater in the middle that was unoccupied. "We're having a fun date night. And if this one goes well, maybe we'll even do it again."

She had high hopes for the night which had been a spontaneous idea on Harry's part. It felt like ages since she'd been to a film in the cinema because she just didn't have much time or energy (or money) for going out to see a film. Harry had found a really cute boutique cinema in Shoreditch that had proper armchairs and couches, and was generally fancier than the typical sticky floor, greasy smelling cinemas. They got themselves comfortable in the two-seater couch in the middle of the row. Piper wasted no time in kicking off her shoes and curling up on the seat, leaning heavily against Harry.

"I've heard good things about this film," she told him as he busied himself tucking away the tickets and sorting out the snacks they'd bought (including the vodka tonics from the bar in the lobby that were already nearly finished).

"Hmm?" Harry turned to look up at the screen and then down at her. "Which one was it? I didn't catch the name."

Trust Harry to pick out a cinema and not even check what movie they were seeing. He watched pretty much anything as long as it was entertaining enough to hold his attention so he wasn't picky.

"It's that new spy one. The one with Colin Firth? Should be exciting."

Harry snorted a laugh, sounding cynical. "Let's see if this one is as bad as James Bond."

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