things you said with too many miles between us

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"I am so horny right now."

"Why would you tell me that?" Harry groaned, the sound echoing low into her ear. She pressed the phone harder against her cheek as if that was supposed to help somehow, like she'd be able to pull him through the phone so he was back here with her and not somewhere in South Korea, very far away.

"I was thinking about you," Piper told him as she flopped down onto her bed, lying spread eagle. "About that time in the showers on New Year's Day."

"Stop," Harry said insistently. "I can't do this right now. I'm supposed to be meeting with my contact in fifteen minutes. I don't want to introduce myself with a boner, if you don't mind."

"You could manage it in fifteen minutes."

"Piper, I'm serious. Don't."

Piper beat her feet on the bed like a child, crossing her arm over her middle with a huff. "It's not my fault! You've been away for nearly a week and I miss you and I want to kiss you. And do other things too, maybe."

"I miss you too, petal." Harry's voice was surprisingly gentle. It seemed, like usual, he'd seen right through her and her sexy talk and sensed that she was really just missing him.

"I wish you were here."

"To help you with your problem?" he joked and Piper could almost imagine his stupid smirk and those dumb dimples (except, really, she loved the dimples).

"Among other things."

"I'll be home by tomorrow night," he reminded her as if she didn't already have it marked in her phone calendar. "And then we can finish this conversation properly when there isn't two continents between us."

"Hmm," Piper hummed appreciatively. "Is that a promise?"

"Most definitely."

"Sounds wonderful."

"Who knows. Maybe we'll recreate the New Year's Day shower. That was a pretty good shower."

Indeed it was.

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