harry let piper fight her own battles with her brother

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the five times that Harry let Piper fight her own battles (and the one time he stepped in)


After the first disastrous family dinner, Piper was reluctant to bring Harry within ten feet of her brother but there were situations she couldn't control and seeing Andrew and Mimi at a nice restaurant in Mayfair was something she couldn't have prevented even if she wanted to. She hoped that she could walk right past without anything being said but it was just her luck, their table was diagonally situated away from theirs and Andrew caught her eye almost immediately.

"Oh, hello Piper," he greeted in his normally smarmy voice.

"Andrew," she said back sternly. She felt Harry's eyes on her the way she always did, a warm and comforting feeling that spread through her, but she ignored it and focused on keeping her face straight as Andrew turned properly in his chair.

"And you're with... I'm sorry, I've forgotten your name."

"Harry Styles." Harry's voice was short and curt, sounding politely professional though he was probably feeling the exact opposite. Piper knew that Harry had taken an immediate disliking to Andrew (which was totally understandable) but unlike her, he was better at hiding it.

"Right, Harry Styles. Piper's boss." The way he said it was loaded with meaning. It was clear what he was implying - that she was sleeping her way to a promotion. Piper clenched her jaw tight, trying to breathe through her anger.

Harry made a move to step forward but Piper held him back. "My boyfriend, actually," she corrected, watching Andrew's eyebrows shoot up with satisfaction. "My rich, handsome, smart, powerful boyfriend. Who drives an Aston Martin. And is a member at a golf club."

Andrew sneered, the jealousy clear on his face. He cleared his throat to try and brush it off but Piper had caught it and that was all the satisfaction she needed.

"Mr. Styles." They all looked over as a gentleman cleared his throat. Andrew nearly choked when he saw it was the restaurant owner standing at their side, talking to Harry. Anthony Rivers was lauded for having one of the best restaurants in London - and apparently him and Harry were old chums.

"Is there a problem?" he asked as he looked between the four adults. "I can move your table if you'd like. There is one available in the VIP lounge upstairs."

Andrew's eyes bugged right out of his head and Piper took a twisted pleasure in leaning over toward Anthony and saying, "We're fine here, but thank you for your concern."

"A bottle of our finest wine on the house then," he insisted before scurrying off to collect it.

Harry gave Piper a proud little smirk as he pulled her chair out for her, pushing it in when she'd taken her seat. Her back was to Andrew so she couldn't see his face as the owner brought them wine and appetizers, or when the chef personally came out to take their order.

She did see the smug look on Harry's face and that was enough.


Harry wasn't sure why Piper had asked him to drive her to an office building in the City until they walked into the office of a financial management company that sounded vaguely familiar. Piper stormed straight past the secretary who was startled and tried to call her back. Harry nodded apologetically before following his girlfriend down the hall where she'd already pushed her way into an office.

"What do you think you're doing?" she shouted and as Harry rounded the doorway, he could see why. Andrew was sitting behind the desk, looking baffled by the intrusion. Sitting across from him was a colleague who was frowning up at Piper.

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