baby, you're perfect

354 7 0


March 2023

Piper was pretty headstrong but even she could admit when she was in over her head.

And right now, standing in her kitchen surrounded by plates filled to the brim with tiny sandwiches, scones and cream, tea biscuits and tarts and cakes, she was undeniably in over her head.

It had started out as a simple idea, a murmured "we should have both our mums over to the house for mother's day this year" while her and Harry were lying in bed. He'd rolled over, his hand instinctively finding her stomach and curving over the round bump, and he'd scrutinized her for a moment.

"D'you really think that's a good idea?"

She could tell that he was thinking of the last time Piper had tried to organize a family gathering for Mother's Day with just her side of the family. With Clem running around and baby Sara wailing her head off with all the extra activity in the house, Piper had nearly lost it, breaking down in tears when she'd excused herself to the kitchen to check on their meal. Harry had found her there twenty minutes later and had pulled her into his arms, letting her cry it out and promising her that they'd find a way to make mother's day easier the next time around.

And for three years, they'd had a good routine; Piper had her day with Sara, and then with both her daughters when Violet came along, and then she had a separate day with Sydney to celebrate while Harry took the kids up to see Anne. It was a system that worked well and Piper had been all for repeating the pattern this year. It was no wonder Harry was surprised she'd change her mind.

"It's just — my mum's been really down lately," Piper had explained, letting her fingers thread with Harry's where their hands rested on her belly. "I think she's regretting retiring so early and I know she's been lonely so I thought having a Mother's Day with all of us together would be nice for her."

"So just have her over for lunch or something. The girls are older now, I'm sure they'll be better behaved. And I'll take the girls to see my mum like I always do."

"But you've got that training segment next weekend," Piper reminded him, "so you can't go up to Holmes Chapel anyway. Inviting your mum means she'll see you and the girls. And me too. I've missed her."

Harry sighed, sucking his bottom lip between his teeth as he thought it through. She could tell he was wary of the idea. "It seems like a lot of work," he said after a moment's consideration. His eyes scanned over her face, lingering on the dark circles under her eyes and the pale hue to her skin. "You've got enough on your plate with work and the baby. Do you want to take this on?"

"We'll just have a nice afternoon tea. Nothing too strenuous." Harry still looked unconvinced so Piper tilted her head, stretching up so she could meet Harry halfway in a sweet, slow kiss. "I want to do this, Harry. You can make that my mother's day gift."

"As long as you're sure."

"I am," Piper said firmly, her mouth stretching into a grin. "I can handle this."

Except, she totally couldn't handle this.

Somehow, having their mums over had stretched to include both of their sibling's families too, and then the godmothers as well, Marlow and Eleanor joining them and bringing along their husbands and children. Instead of just the seven of them, their party had grown to include eight extra adults, seven kids, and the Tomlinson's new puppy who couldn't be left at home alone. And just like that, a simple afternoon tea had turned into a veritable feast and Piper had managed to run herself ragged before anything but a cup of tea had even been served.

She should have listened to her husband when he'd warned her about taking this on.

Not that she'd ever tell him. She wasn't giving Harry the satisfaction of being right.

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