oh, are you an expert on my sister now?

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december 22 - ugly sweaters

1D fanfic/Salute Extra



A year later

"Have you got the note ready?"

Harry glanced up from where he had been poised over the letter he had been writing, smiling at Piper as she peeked her head into the library where Harry had sequestered himself nearly an hour earlier. She quirked her eyebrows up in a silent question and then pointed toward the desk. "The note," she said again. "Are you finished? Because I've finally wrangled all four sweaters into the box and I want to put the note in before they explode out and I have to start all over again."

"Come here for a moment," Harry said, his voice coming out quieter than he had expected it to. Piper frowned a little, her brow crunching together in that way that drove Harry crazy and made him want to kiss her senselessly. She shuffled into the room and crossed over to the desk that Harry was sitting at. Instead of perching on the hardwood, she plopped herself right into his lap. His hands came up to touch her immediately because he was incapable of keeping his hands off of her if she was in proximity to him. One curved over her hip to hold her in place and the other landed on her upper thigh. When she leaned in for a kiss, he obliged.

"What's going on?" she asked. "Something wrong?"

"No," he said as he shook his head gently. "It's just tough to write these letters. I never feel like I say exactly what I want. I can't, not really."

Piper placed her arm around his shoulders and her hand patted where it landed. "She understands."

"Oh, are you an expert on my sister now?" Harry asked as he reached his hand over to tickle Piper's side gently. She giggled because she was very ticklish (which was so fucking cute) and then swatted Harry's hands away.

"Stop it!" she demanded as she took his hand firmly in her own and placed it back on her thigh, holding it there until she could be sure he wouldn't move it again. "Stop manhandling me and tell me what's on your mind. And don't —" she interjected quickly, sticking a finger in Harry's face and waving it about "— try to tell me it's nothing because I know it's something."

Harry jerked his head so he could snatch her finger between his teeth gently. When he succeeded, he wrapped his lips around the tip, sucking it into his mouth and swirling his tongue around it. Piper shivered hard enough that he felt her shimmy in his lap. She let out a low groan before pushing him off and taking her finger back. "Stop distracting me."

"I wasn't distracting you," Harry said with an innocent shrug that was in total contrast to his sly grin. "I was just demonstrating what we would be doing later on tonight."

"Presumptuous," Piper scolded, rolling her eyes.

Harry leaned in to press his lips to her jaw, mouthing a kiss there. "If you blow me tonight," Harry muttered into the sensitive skin, grinning when Piper shuddered in response, "I'll make it very worth your while."

"Fuck you," she said in a breathy voice as she sagged against Harry. He loved when she got all fluid and loose-limbed when she was aroused. It made it easier to have some of the more creative sex that they had. It was certainly never boring in the bedroom for the two of them. "Can we please focus on getting the present for your sister, your brother-in-law, and your nephews wrapped up before you try and seduce me?"

And there went his erection. "Christ, petal, you certainly know how to kill the mood. Was it necessary to individually list all of my family members, including the boys?"

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