Chapter 1

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I sit there skipping through my playlist and groan. I've listened to it about 4 times during this car trip.

"Are we here yet?" My younger sister and I groan.

"Yes we are!" Me mother squeals excitedly.

We all look out the window to see our house. It's this tall, 2 story house next to multiple other houses that look the same just different colours.

I open the car door, holding one of my bags, and walk up to the house, opening the door. Our stuff we put in the moving van is already dumped in the lounge room. How great.

I walk through the house to find a bedroom I like. I throw my bag in one of them and go to help my mother unpack the car.

"I thought you'd never come back." My mother says sarcastically, handing me some bags.

As I walk them inside I notice 4 boys standing on the corner of the street. I ignore it and put the bags inside, going out to get some more.

"Did you see the boys down there? They seem around your age." My mother says.

"Yeah I saw. Why?" I ask, picking up bags.

"Thought you could make friends." She says back. I scrunch my nose and shake my head.

"Least of my problems right now. I just want to unpack." I say taking the bags in.

When we finish getting the bags, we organise who's stuff is who's. I take my stuff up to my room, which is on the second floor, and pile the boxes in.

My mother helps move my bed and desk into my room and I start unpacking the boxes. My sister comes stomping up the stairs and into my room, smiling her toothy grin.

"Some boys are wanting to see you." She says.

"What have we told you about answering the door to people we don't know?" I say before walking past her and down the stairs.

The boys stand at my door and study my face, causing me to frown. I cross my arms and the one in a blue and red beanie with black hair cracks a smile at me.

"Hi, I'm Stan. You live down the road from me. We figured you were new here and thought we'd stop and say hi." He says.

"Um, I'm Y/n." I say back.

"Do you wanna hang out? I'm Kyle by the way." Another one with a green hat and red hair asks.

"I'm sorta busy right now." I say back.

"What school are you going to attend?" Stan asks.

"South Park high. Why?" I ask back.

"Sick dude! We'll all be going to the same school! We should totally hang out!" Kyle says excitedly.

"Ew, guys. Hanging out with a girl? That's fucking gross." One with a blue and yellow beanie says.

"Shut up, Cartman!" Kyle shouts.

"That's Eric. Ignore what he says. And that's Kenny." Stan says pointing to a boy with an orange jumper.

"Mmpff!" Kenny says, muffled.

"He said 'hi'. You do eventually understand what he's saying after a while." Stan says. I nod in response and look over at Kenny, guessing he's smiling at me. I slightly smile back at him, so I'm not rude.

"Well, we'll let you unpack. See you at school!" Stan says before they all walk off. Kenny stops walking and turns to face me, waving, before running off again to catch up with the others.

I shut the door and sigh, walking back up to my room. I continue to unpack my stuff before my mother comes in, interrupting me.

"Are you excited for school tomorrow?" She asks.

"Sure. Why not." I say back, shrugging.

"Now I wont have time to drop you off in the morning, but theres a bus stop down the road! That's how you're going to get to school. Okay?" She says.

"Do I really have to? You know I don't like busses." I groan.

"It'll be good for you, getting out of your comfort zone." She says before giving me a hug and leaving.

I finish setting up my room the rest of my room and sigh. I throw myself on my bed and open up my phone, not sure what I want to do on it.

I could respond to people from my hometown, but I would rather forget them. Some of them were great, sure. But a lot of them were just assholes. My phone buzzes and I look to see who messaged me.

F/n (friends name)- hey girlie! How's it going?

Y/n - not much has happened. Just finished setting up the room.

F/n - cool! I'll talk to you later!

I shut my phone off and put it down next to me. It's not like they actually cared how I was going. They'll stop messaging me soon. It's the same every time someone leaves.

My phone buzzes again and I lift it up, frowning at the notification. It was a follow request. I open the app and accept it, instantly getting a message.

Y/n- who's this?

Stan- hi! It's Stan!

Y/n- how did you find my account?

Stan- It's pretty easy to find someone.

Y/n- oh ok well I need to go. Bye.

Stan- cya.

The rest of the boys add me and I accept them. I shut my phone off and rub my face, groaning. I set my alarm for the morning tomorrow, ready for school.

"Dinners ready!" My sister shouts, running into the room.

I follow her down the stairs and sit down at the table. My mother serves us food and smiles at us.

"How's your day been, girls?" She asks.

"Other than sitting in a car? Pretty boring." I say.

"What did those boys want before? I heard them at the door." She says, looking at me.

"Just to introduce themselves. They go to South Park high." I say back, stuffing my face with food.

"So you made friends!" She squeals excitedly.

"Uh, sure." I mumble back.

I finish my food and put my plate in the sink, walking up to my room. I shut my door and lay back down on my bed. I turn my tv on and put on f/c (favourite show). I crawl into the covers and sigh. My phone buzzes and I pick it up.

Kenny- hellooo

Y/n- um hi?

Kenny- jeez ok then.

Y/n- why are you messaging me?

Kenny- I'm bored and no one else is responding to me

Y/n- well you're going to stay bored cause I'm gonna go.

Kenny- dang how rude.

Y/n- well that's me. Cya.

Kenny- byeee.

I shut my phone off and put it down next to me and sigh. I focus my attention back onto the tv and start to drift off. At least I know I wont be alone on my first day.

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