Chapter 3

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I groan as my alarm goes off. I stayed up too late last night. Why? Because I was talking to Kenny. I was going to ignore him and just go to sleep but he didn't try flirting with me this time. It was quite enjoyable talking to him.

I get ready and walk down to the bus stop and greet the others. The conversations are same as usual. Everything's fine until Eric says something which pissing off Kyle and they get into this argument which is entertaining to watch.

When the bus comes, Kenny lets me on the bus first again. He's been strangely quiet this morning. I don't think anything of it. We sit down on the bus and Kenny still sits next to me.

"Sorry for keeping you up late last night." He says.

"It's fine. I enjoyed it." I say back. He looks at me surprised and starts to smile.

"You did?" He asks.

"Yeah. Why wouldn't I?" I ask back confused.

"So they were right." He mumbles to himself.

"What was that?" I ask. He shakes his head and smiles.

"Oh, nothing. Don't worry." He says. I smile slightly and he continues to stare at me.

We sit in silence as the bus pulls up to school, everyone getting off.

"What do you have first?" Kenny asks.

"Uh, English." I answer.

"Sweet! You're with me again!" He says excitedly. We meet up with the others and walk into school together.

"Is your sister S/n (sisters name)?" Kyle asks.

"Yeah. Why?" I ask back.

"My brother, Ike, was telling me about a new girl in his class. You should come over some time with your sister!" He answers excitedly.

I feel Kenny tense up next to me and I look at him, frowning.

"Are you okay?" I ask.

"Mm-hmm." He answers, nodding. He's pulled his hood back onto his head, hiding his face.

The bell rings and we say bye to the others, walking to class. We sit down where we sat yesterday and Kenny groans in boredom.

We sit there in silence during the lesson. The only time we really talk is when he's missed notes and needs to get notes off of me. He draws little hearts on the side of his book and I frown.

"What girl is it today?" I ask smugly. He smiles and continues to draw the hearts.

"I dunno. Could it be you?" He asks, looking up at me. I scrunch my nose and shake my head.

"No thanks." I say back.

"Damn. Thought I'd score a good one." He mumbles, smirking.

"Y'know, you're the only girl in our grade that's not in love with me." He says.

"Too bad you don't want to date anyone. You could have anyone you want." I say back.

"Not everyone." He says.

He's talking about me. I stare down at my book, not sure what to say. He starts writing in my book 'Kenny was here' and smiles. I get my pen and write in his book 'Y/n was here' and smile back.

The bell rings and we walk to the cafeteria and sit down at the table, waiting for the others. I watch Stan walk in holding some girls hand and smirk.

"I didn't know Stan had a girlfriend." I say to Kenny.

"That's Wendy. They date on and off constantly." Kenny says.

Stan walks over and sits down at the table with us. We sit there talking for a bit, mainly about Wendy, when Kyle and Cartman comes over.

Kenny x reader (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now