Chapter 2

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"Bye!" I shout as I leave the house.

I got ready pretty quick this morning. I walk out of house and walk down to the bus stop. I see the 4 boys from yesterday and feel the slightest bit annoyed.

'Hey, dude!" Stan says when he sees me. I wave and look down at my phone, standing next to them.

"Mpff mmpff?" Kenny says to me. I look up at him confused and he smiles.

"I said 'what are you doing'?" He says, taking his hood off. This takes me aback. He has pretty blonde hair and blue eyes. He's quite attractive. What? No. I couldn't think that.

"Can you stare any harder?" He asks, smiling. I look down at my phone again, embarrassed, and frown slightly.

"You didn't answer my question. What are you doing?" He asks again, looking down at my phone. I turn it off and frown up at him.

"I'm scrolling through social media." I mumble. His face is quite intimidating. Not in a scary way. In a strangely addictive way.

The bus comes and we start getting on. Kenny lets me get on in front of him and I follow the others towards the back. I sit by myself and Kenny sits down next to me.

He puts his arm around me and I move further away from him, taking his arm off me.

"Gross." I say frowning.

"C'mon, all the girls love it." He says smiling, nudging me with his arm.

"Well I don't." I mumble.

"You're a hard one to please." He says pulling out his phone.

"Don't you have a girlfriend to go to?" I ask him. He looks at me and frowns.

"Why would you think that?" He asks.

"All the girls got really fidgety when you walked on the bus." I say back.

"Yeah. I'm known as the 'school player' basically. It's name basically describes it." He says, opening the messages on his phone. A lot of them are females and a lot of them get the same, flirty reply back.

I go to my messages and frown. I've either been left on delivered or opened. I receive a message and read the name. It's from Kenny. Why would he message me? He's right next to me?

Kenny- hey qt ;)

I look at Kenny and frown. He smiles back at me and I roll my eyes.

"You're right next to me." I say to him.

"Yeah. I feel like you wouldn't like it that much if I said to you in person." He says smugly.

"I don't like it either way." I say back to him.

"Are you going to respond to me?" He asks.

Y/n- hey dickface

"Ouch. That's a bit harsh." He says, smirk plastered on his face.

I roll my eyes as the bus comes to a stop. Everyone gets off and we group together with the others.

"Do you have your classes yet?" Kyle asks.

"Yeah. I got science first." I say back.

"Sweet, dude! You're with me then!" Kyle says excitedly. Kenny pulls his hood over his head again and frowns

Kyle shows me around the school and the others go to their classes. We get to our class as the bell rings and we walk inside.

It's a boring lesson. I sit next to Kyle, which is nice cause he doesn't talk much, and sleep most of the time. When class is over, Kyle takes me to the cafeteria and shows me where they usually sit.

Kenny x reader (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now