Chapter 10

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Okay I get it I like to foreshadow a lot okay I can't help it. So many of you people have told me 😭

Tw- domestic violence.


Monday was awkward. Kenny and I had awkward conversations throughout the day and I couldn't help but feel bad. I asked him if he was upset and he said he wasn't but something was up.

It was Tuesday morning as I stand with the others at the bus stop on my phone. I look at Kenny staring at the floor and frown.

"What's wrong?" I ask.

"Nothing." He mumbles.

"He probably feels bad for beating the shit out of me." Eric says, joining in.

"Shut the fuck up." I snap back.

Kenny pulls out his phone and I watch him open our messages. He sends a message and I lift up my phone, reading it.

Kenny- stop asking if I'm okay. I'm fine.

Y/n- then why are you acting so strange?

He stares at the message for a good minute before putting his phone in his pocket and looks at me sadly. He didn't answer my question. I'll ask again later. The bus comes and we all get on, Kenny sitting next to me as usual.

"You didn't answer my question." I say.

"How am I acting strange?" He asks, seeming generally confused.

"You're talking to me less and you're barely around me anymore." I answer.

"Really?" He asks.

"Yeah. And I feel like I've done something to upset you." I mumble back, fiddling with my hands awkwardly.

"Hey, no. I'm sorry. I've had family issues and it's been on my mind a lot." He says, placing his hands on mine.

From what I've heard, Kenny's dad is an alcoholic and can sometimes be violent. Apparently he's come to school with a black eye and played it off as he ran into something. I also know about their money situation so I don't question him any further.

"If you need to talk I'm here." I say, kissing him on the cheek. He smiles and nods.

"So, the party's this weekend. We'll come pick you up around 8 and we'll head straight there, if that's okay." He says, changing the topic. I nod and we sit in silence the rest of the bus trip, our hands still embracing.

The bus pulls up to school and we get off and meet with the others. We walk into the school and a group of girls walk up to us, arguing between themselves. We all stop walking and they stand in front of us.

"They're still together so we can't do it!" Wendy says, pointing to Kenny and I.

"You do know how many people are gonna get pissed from this? You can't cancel it." Bebe says back.

"You're both going to the party aren't you?" Wendy asks, turning to Kenny and I. We nod and she groans.

"We've already started collecting payments! Now I'll have to give everyone their money back!" Wendy shouts, pushing through us. The group of girls follow and we all watch in confusion.

"What was that about?" I ask.

"Nothing." Stan, Kyle and Kenny say in sync. I look at them confused.

"Well it's obviously something since you guys have something to say about it." I say, frowning.

"It doesn't matter anymore because it's cancelled now so no need to worry." Stan says.

The bell rings for class before I can say anything else. I walk to class still confused about what the girls were talking about. They said something about a payment so it's not the party their canceling.

Kenny x reader (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now