Chapter 11

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It's the day of the party and holy fuck am I nervous. I decided against tying my hair up, bringing a hair tie in case, and I've put on a light amount of makeup. I put on my favourite clothes. I think I look nice.

I put on perfume and say bye to my mother before walking to the front door. I would say bye to S/n but she's asleep by now.

I walk out the front and see that the cars here already. I get in the back, sitting next to Kenny. Kyles driving with Stan in the passenger seat.

"You ready to go?" Kyle asks.

"Yep." I say back. He nods and starts to drive.

I can't help but feel anxious about the party. I know it's nothing to worry about but it's still on my mind.

"You okay?" Kenny asks. I nod and I smile in response. He leans down and kisses me while Stan makes gagging noises.

"Can you wait until you get out of my car? Don't be gross dude." Kyle says. I laugh as I watch Kenny's face turn red.

We get to the party and there's music already blasting. People are on the front lawn either throwing up or passed out.

"Guess we're early." Stan says, opening the door.

"Really? It looks like where late." I say back confused.

"Nope. It's barely even started." Kenny coos with a smirk on his face.

We all get out of the car and I grab Kenny's hand to ease my nerves. We walk into the house and the music is almost giving me a headache. The colourful lights make it even worse. Kyle tells me he'll be out the back before walking off. Stans disappeared already because I no longer see him.

Kenny takes me to the kitchen and starts pouring himself a drink. I watch him and he smiles back.

"Do you want one?" He asks. I shake my head and he pours me one anyways.

"You don't have to drink it." He says, handing to me. I smile slightly and take the drink, deciding to ditch it later.

Kenny sees someone and walks off to talk to them, leaving me by myself. I wait in the kitchen for him to come back but he doesn't. I no longer see him. He ditched me. Exactly what he said wouldn't happen. I groan and put my drink on the kitchen bench, not wanting to have it with me.

I push myself through the crowd until I find the back door. Kyles sitting on the stairs to the porch with Butters and some other guy with blonde hair and a green shirt.

"Hi Kyle." I say, sitting next to him.

"Hey dude. Where's Kenny?" He asks. I shrug and sigh to myself.

"Gah! Who are you?" The blonde kid with the green shirt asks.

"Ah, Y/n. You are?" I ask back.

"Tweek!" He twitches.

"Oh! Aren't you the kid that's dating some guy? I can't remember his name." I say.

"Gah! That's Craig. I lost him in there." He says, nodding his head towards inside.

We all sit there talking for most of the party. The colourful lights shut off along with the music, leaving people looking around in a confused mess.

"Is the party over or something?" I ask Kyle. He curses to himself and looks at me in panic.

"I'll take you home." He says.

A voice from inside starts speaking through either a megaphone or microphone. It's hard to tell.

"Has everyone given in their payments?" The voice is Wendy's. Cheers break out through the crowd. I thought whatever this was is canceled? I stand up and stand in the doorway to hear better.

Kenny x reader (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now