Chapter 9

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"Are you going to wake up yet?" Kenny asks.

I open my eyes and instantly shut them from the brightness of my room. My light must be on because it's never this bright when I wake up.

"Get up." He whispers into my ear. I shove his face away and smile.

He cups my face and kisses me. I kiss back and from a simple kiss turns into a make out sesh. He pulls away and I open my eyes and frown.

"That woke you up." He says, pulling me into a sitting position.

I rub my face and groan. Kenny laughs and I hit him in the arm.

"What was that for?" He pouts.

"Felt like it." I mumble back.

"What? Am I a punching bag now?" He asks.

"Yep." I say, smiling.

He grabs my hands and pulls me up so I'm standing up. I stand in front of the bed and frown as he moves in front of me.

"I wanna show you something. It's a type of tackle. I won't hurt you, promise." He says.

He walks towards me very fast and I step back, falling backwards onto the bed. He pins me down and smiles.

"What a great move." I say sarcastically.

"I know! I thought of it myself." He says, sweeping the hair off my face.

He leans down and kisses me. He's on top of me and we're kissing. I don't know how to react. If I should say something or move. I'm enjoying this moment.

"Hey Y/n- holy fuck!" My mother shouts from the doorway. We pull apart and Kenny rolls off me.

"I apologise for my language but don't do that while everyone's home. And I don't want grandchildren yet so please use protection." My mother says covering her eyes.

"Mum, you're getting ahead of yourself. That wasn't going to happen." I say. Kenny smirks and winks, which I respond by shaking my head.

"Nice meeting you. I'm Kenny McCormick." Kenny says. Holding his hand out to my mother. She uncovers her eyes and shakes his hand, still in shock.

"I'm M/n (mothers name). Have you slept with my daughter?" She asks, letting go of his hand.

"No, I haven't ma'am. Not yet." He laughs. I cover my face and shake my head.

"Kenny it's not the time." I say.

"If she gets pregnant I will take you to court." She threatens.

"I promise I wont." Kenny says, awkwardly smiling.

"What did you want?" I asked my mother.

"Oh! I just wanted to let you know S/n and I are going out for a few hours. There's food down stairs." She says. I nod and wave bye as she leaves.

"Shes nice." Kenny says.

"She skips to conclusions a lot." I mumble back.

"Well, since there gone now, we could... yknow?" He asks, smirking.

"No Kenny. Gross." I answer.

"What do you think would've happened if she didn't come in?" He asks, sitting next to me.

"Nothing." I say back, focusing on the floor. I'm pretty sure my face is red.

"So what do you wanna do today?" He asks.

"We could hang out with the others?" I ask back. Kenny frowns and nods.

"Okay." He mumbles.

"We can hang out here. I have my console set up in the lounge room." I say.

Kenny x reader (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now