Chapter 8

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It's been around a 2 weeks since getting with Kenny. Most people know about it. The new kid with the school player. What an exciting title.

It's Friday after school when Kenny decided to take me on an actual date. He asked where I wanted to go so I requested a library so we could read.

So that's what we're doing. Sitting across from each other and reading. I'm reading one of my favourite books and Kenny's reading a porn magazine.

"Is that all you read?" I ask, looking up from my book.

"Yeah. It's an interesting plot." He says, grinning.

"What's the plot? Chicks with big tits and fat asses?" I ask sarcastically, looking back down at my book.

"Exactly. Cartman has a fatter ass though." He says.

I laugh and shake my head, continuing to read my book. Kenny shuts his magazine and puts it down in front of him, resting his head on his hands.

He takes my books shuts it, placing down in front of me. He cups my face and brings me in for a kiss. He doesn't normally kiss me like this in public, normally it's a small peck on the lips or cheek.

"Hey, guys!" A voice says walking towards our table.

We pull apart to see Stan sitting at the table with us. He looks at us with a strange smile, obviously seeing us kissing.

"I don't know if that was beautiful or absolutely gross." He says, talking about our kiss.

"What are you doing here?" Kenny asks passive aggressively.

"Calm down dude. I had to return stuff for Wendy and felt like walking around for a bit." Stan answers.

"And when are you leaving?" He asks.

"Soon man. Sorry for interrupting your make out sesh." Stan responds, slightly annoyed.

Kenny stares at the table frowning, muttering to himself. I don't understand why Kenny gets so defensive whenever one of the guys are around.

"Kenny guess what?" I ask, trying to distract him. He looks up at me confused and I smile back.

"I've decided I'll go to the party with you." I say. His eyes light up and he smiles while Stan looks at me with a concerning look.

"Yes! I promise it'll be fun!" Kenny says excitedly. Stan glances at me and smiles at both of us.

"I gotta go now. Have fun on your date!" He coos, walking off.

"When do you wanna leave?" Kenny asks.

"Dunno. Now?" I ask, shrugging.

He nods and we put our books back and walk out of the library, hand in hand. I can't help but think about why he's defensive around the others.

"Why do you get so defensive when the others are around us?" I ask. He tenses up in my hand, frowning.

"Because you're mine." He says back, looking ahead.

"And they know this. So why get so defensive about it?" I insist.

"They think I can't do it. An actual relationship." He mumbles, looking down at his shoes.

"Well you can. I'll make sure." I say, trying to lighten his mood.

"Can I sleep over tonight?" He asks, changing the conversation. I think about it, not sure how to answer.

"Sure." I reply. He smiles down at me and I smile back.

We get to my house after around a 10 minute walk. We walk inside and I let my mother know he's staying over. She asks to talk to him, which I respond by pulling him away.

Kenny x reader (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now