Chapter 12

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It's been about a week and a half into break. I haven't really been counting. It's been boring to say the most. Haven't seen anyone since the party. I've seen Kyle a few times but only to drop Ike off and pick him up.

Today he asked to hang out with me so that's what we're doing. My mother and sister left to go visit family back in my hometown. I stayed home obviously.

So right now, Kyle and I are sitting on my couch playing video games. He got here not long ago so we haven't really had a chance to talk.

"How have you been dude?" He asks.

"Eh, fine. You?" I ask back.

"Bored mostly. Heard from Kenny?" He asks. I frown.

"No. Why?" I ask.

"No one's heard from him since the party. Makes sense though. The videos real intense dude." He says. Video?

"What video?" I ask back, pausing the game.

"Shit dude! You haven't seen it?" He asks. I shake my head and he pulls out his phone.

He clicks on a video and turns his phone to me so I can see it. It's taken on the night of the party out the front from what I can see.

Kyles car pulls up and him and Kenny come out of it, walking to the front door. Kenny's staring down at the floor, hands in his pockets and hood covering his face. Seeing that made me realise how often he doesn't have it covering his face around me.

"We we're coming to get Stan." Kyle says, explaining why they were back there.

The front door flys open and Stan storms out, walking over to Kenny. He throws his fist at Kenny's face and he falls to the floor from the force. Stan gets on top and continually continues to attack Kenny. He just takes it without fighting back.

"Why didn't he fight back?" I ask. I watch as Kyle and some other guy pull Stan off Kenny.

"Dunno dude. We had to pick him up off the floor. Fully conscious as well, just stopped moving." He says, turning off his phone.

"And no one's heard from him since?" The ask.

"No one. We've asked around and he's completely disappeared." He says shrugging.

"Well that's worrying." I mumble to myself. I start the game back up and we continue to play.

We play for a few hours until he gets a call from his mother. She goes off about something in society she doesn't like and he needs to go home. He says she does this often and leaves.

I change the game to one player and continue to play by myself. It gets dark and rain starts to fall, smacking the roof. I decide to stop playing the game and put a movie on. I find a blanket and snuggle up by myself on the couch.

I start to doze off until there's a knock at the door. Why would someone be here at night? And in the rain?

I stand up despite my thoughts. Perhaps it's a serial killer coming to kill teenagers because they find joy in it. I think I've been watching to many horror movies lately.

I open the door and immediately frown, making eye contact with those oh so familiar blue eyes. I go to shut the door but fail, his arm holding open the door.

"Go away Kenny." I say. A small part of me just wants to open the door and hug him but another much larger part of me wants to start throwing hands.

"Please." He pleads. I flinch at the sound of his voice, finally realising how much I miss it.

I give in and open the door, letting out a sigh. His arms twitch forward to me before falling back down to his side in awkwardness.

"What?" I ask a bit to aggressively for my liking.

Kenny x reader (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now