Chapter 4

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I opened the picture and frowned. It looked like he just got out of the shower because his hair was wet and he was in a bathroom looking room. His hair was dangling over his eyes and he was sticking his tongue out playfully. I smiled down at my phone.

I smiled? I close out of the picture and drop the smile. Ew, why was I smiling? I open messages and go to message Kenny.

Y/n- why did you send me that?

Kenny- dunno. Can I see your face now?

Y/n- no.

Kenny- pleaseeeeee??

I groan and open up camera. I tidy myself up and do my signature pose I do in almost every photo. I send it and not long after I get a notification saying he took a screenshot of it.

Kenny- awooga ;)

Y/n- ew stop. Delete it.

Kenny- mmm no.

Y/n- you asshole. Bye.

I shut off my phone and throw it down onto my bed. My phone lights up, showing a message from Kenny. I ignore it and read the time that's shown on the screen. "10:02 pm" it reads. Gosh, it doesn't feel that late.

I lay down and put a different movie on. I have no interest in the movie, I mainly put it on as background noise to fall asleep to. Not long after I drift off to sleep, the movie still talking in the background.


I wake up and do the same as usual. Get dressed, pack my bag and say bye to my mother and sister, leaving the house. I walk down to the bus stop and stand next to the others, staring down at my phone.

"Hey, sweetheart~." Kenny coos.

"What?!" The others and I shout in panic. Kenny starts to laugh and I hit him in the arm.

"What the fuck, dude!" I shout aggressively.

"You should see your face right now!" He says, still laughing.

"Aww, guys look! Kenny's got a girlfreend!" Eric says.

"Shut up, Eric!" I shout at him.

I look back down at my phone and frown. Kenny can be such a dick sometimes. I honestly don't get what girls see in him.

"Hey, Y/n. What are you doing this weekend?" Kyle asks.

"Nothing. Why?" I answer.

"Sweet! Wanna come over then? You can bring your sister if you want." Kyle asks, smiling.

"Sure, dude." I say back, returning the smile.

Kenny tenses up beside me. He does this whenever I talk to one of the other guys. He takes his phone out and turns it on. I frown, looking at his phone and up at him.

"Why am I your lock screen?" I ask.

"Dunno." He mumbles back.

"Change it."  I say.

"I'll think about it." He says, smiling.

The bus comes and we all walk inside, sitting down where we usually sit. Kennys still looking at his phone and I frown at him. He's acting strange.

"You good dude?" I ask. He nods and looks at me.

"Do you like Kyle?" He asks.

"As a friend, sure. Why?" I answer.

"Would you date him?" He asks, smirking.

"Gross, dude!" I say. Kenny smiles and turns to face where Kyle and Stan are sitting.

Kenny x reader (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now