Chapter 6

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I walk down to the bus stop, same as every morning. It's the last day of the week, meaning the weekend tomorrow. I was glad it's almost the weekend because that means not seeing Kenny as much and no confusing feelings.

"Hey dude!" Stan says. I smile at him awkwardly, remembering our conversation last night.

"Y/n, we still on for this weekend?" Kyle asks.

"Yeah. Tomorrow right?" I ask back. He nods in response. I look over at Kenny who's strangely quiet this morning.

"You okay, dude?" I ask.

"Do you guys wanna know who I like?" He asks everyone. I look at him in panic.

"Yeah, dude! Who is it?" Stan says excitedly.

"Nah, I change my mind." He says, smirking.

"C'mon dude! Don't do this to us!" Kyle whines.

"Guys, it's obvious who it is." Eric says, joining the conversation.

"What do you mean, Cartman?" Stan asks.

"Well its obvious. You just have to watch how he talks to the girls at school. It's pretty obvious who it is once you realise." Eric says. We all stare at him in shock. He said something smart for once.

"Wow Cartman. That's pretty smart." Kyle says in shock. Eric ruins it by saying something offensive, pissing off Kyle.

"So who do you think it is Cartman?" Stan asks.

"I don't think, I know. And it's Y/n dumbasses. Is so obvious like how did you not realise, jeez.." Eric says.

Stan and Kyle look at Kenny in shock. He smiles back and I feel my face glow bright red. Stan turns to face Kyle in triumph and Kyle groans.

"Told you, dude! Now you owe me $20!" Stan says. I look at them confused, not sure what they're talking about.

"We made a bet about who Kenny likes. Stan won, obviously." Kyle says to me.

The bus pulls up and we all walk on, Stan and Kyle still talking about the $20 dollars. Kenny still sits next to me which is pretty awkward but there's not much I can do.

"What's wrong?" Kenny asks.

"The others know." I mumble back.

"Okay, and? They won't be as shocked when we start dating." He says smugly.

"Who said I'll date you?" I snap back.

"I did." He says back, grinning. I roll my eyes and look down at my phone.

"What are you lovers talking about?" Stan and Kyle coo from behind us. I didn't realise he was there because normally they sit further back.

"About how Y/n wants to date me." Kenny smirks. I glare at him and roll my eyes.

"So do you like Kenny back?" Stan asks. I shake my head and frown and him. Kyle and Stan share a glance and smirk at us.

"You sure dude? You seem like you do." Stan says. Kenny smirks at me and I continue frowning at Stan.

"I don't. Why would you think that?" I snap back.

"Its pretty obvious." Kyle says, joining the conversation.

"See. I knew it." Kenny says. I frown and look back down at my phone.

"Do you wanna know why we think she likes you, Kenny?" Stan asks. Kenny nods in response.

"Hang on dude. We'll text you." Kyle says. Kenny's phone buzzes after a few minutes and he pulls it out of his pocket, reading the messages. He looks over at me and smiles.

Kenny x reader (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now