Chapter 38

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By the time we had trudged to the cabins, the sun was setting, just as Yaomomo had predicted. Everyone was aching and exhausted. After creating some security devices, she took a small group of people to scout the surrounding forest, sent Iida and Tokoyami to check out the rooms, and Kat and I offered to cook dinner after discovering the kitchen was fully stocked, ready for 1-B's turn in the forest.

A bitter smile was on my face as I looked around, remembering what it was like the last time I cooked here. We were both so confused about our feelings back then, and Kat was so cold sometimes. The difference was outstanding. My heart flipped in my chest as I looked at the counter opposite the hob; the one I had sat on when me and Kat-

"Can you cut these up please?" I passed him a bunch of carrots and some spring onions. He wordlessly took them and started cutting them into chunks. We had been cooking in silence this whole time. "Kat?" He hummed. "I... I'm sorry." His eyes locked onto mine. They were breathtaking, as usual.


"I acted like a child. I should have just left. I'm sure your shoulder hurts from carrying me..."

"Don't apologise for that dumbass. You were upset."

"But I should have been able to swallow my feelings. How am I going to be a hero if-"

"Hina! Shut up!" My face warmed at the new nickname. "You're allowed to have emotions, idiot. You're only human. You feel so many things. It confused me at first. I thought you were weak or soft. But the reality is that you're strong. Much stronger than me. Because you allow yourself to feel everything. And because of you, I'm becoming brave enough to feel everything too."

"Kat..." I breathed, placing my hands on his cheeks.

"When you were talking about saving everybody, I saw it. I saw how amazing you are, and how amazing you will be. Your empathy is stronger than any quirk I've ever seen."

"That's... the nicest thing I've ever been told." He wrapped me up in a tight hug and kissed my forehead. Before he pulled away, I put a gentle kiss on the tip of his nose. He blushed but didn't say anything. "Thank you Katsuki. Thank you so much."

"Y-yeah, whatever." He turned around and put his attention on the bubbling curry. I smiled at his contrary attitude, the red on the tips of his ears telling me all I had to know.

While we were serving up dinner, Ochaco was scrolling through the channels on a small TV that I could have sworn wasn't there before.

"Guys, I found a news channel! Shush and listen!" We all settled down, chewing our food as quietly as possible.

"It is confirmed that 99% of heroes have been successfully captured by the League of Villains. Among these are the UA teachers, including the mysterious Eraserhead and his suspected husband, Present Mic. It has also been confirmed that the number one and number two hero are among the fallen, All Might and Endeavour. There's talk of what will happen to the children of these heroes, Shoto Todoroki and Hinami Hata, and of Eraserhead's class. Nobody has seen the class of 1-A since the attack on the school." Everyone gasped. I reached across the table and grabbed Todoroki's hand. He squeezed mine back, but kept his blank expression.

"I'm so sorry Shoto..." Mido leant backwards and rested his head on Todo's chest. He absently placed his free hand on his boyfriend's head and played with his green locks, that far away look never leaving his eyes..

"And I'm sorry, Hata. It must be hard to hear that your parents have been captured, as well as your uncle. And you too, Todoroki." Tokoyami bowed his head slightly as an act of condolence. "We will all be here to support you both in these times."

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