Chapter 8

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After my father tucked me in, and Uncle had brought me up some water, I must have drifted off at some point.

I awoke to someone gently shaking me awake. The duvet was over my face, so I couldn't see who it was, but for some reason I guessed it was Toshi again.

"I don't want any more water, Uncle Toshi." I muttered. "I just want to sleep."

"Uncle Toshi?" Oh fuck. I threw the duvet off and sat up, face to face with a shocked looking Mina. Oh shit. The rest of my friends were crowded around the doorway. Oh shit oh fuck oh fuck oh shit oh shit oh shit-

"I didn't say Uncle! You must have misheard me!"

"You said Uncle!" Sero confirmed.

"All Might is your Uncle?" Mido looked off, hand to his chin. "He never mentioned anything about any siblings, let alone any nieces or nephews."

"He's not my Uncle!" I blurted, covering my face. How could I be so stupid? Of course my friends were going to come and check on me!

"That's not what it sounds like." Katsu snarled.

"Ok, ok!" I took a deep breath before saying very slowly. "He's... A family friend... Real... Real close with my... parents - my dad. Close with my dad." That's not technically a lie. We aren't really related at all. But I still felt like I was being untruthful.

"He's best pals with your dad, so you call him Uncle?" Todo lifted his eyebrow.

"Yeah. He's been around all the time from when I was a kid. Babysat me a bunch of times and that. So I always just called him Uncle Toshi, and the title stuck. So now he's my Uncle." I looked around, desperate for them to accept my answer without prying too much.

"All Might as a babysitter." Ochaco giggled.
"I could never imagine him looking after a kid." Kiri added.

"Baby Hinami would be running circles around him!" Kami laughed.

"Well, I'd get him to let me eat ice cream before dinner. Once I had two bowls for breakfast."

"How did you manage that?" Sero grinned.

"He's a massive softy. I told him that if he didn't give me ice cream for breakfast, he wouldn't be my friend anymore. So we compromised and I had two bowls, and he was my best friend in the whole world." I laughed.

"Why does that somehow not surprise me..." Tenya sighed.

"We had fun, that's all that mattered." I smiled.

"No wonder you got into UA easily. You had the number one hero backing you up." Katsu's lip curled up in a snarl.

"It wasn't easy. I still had to do an entrance exam. So did Yaomomo and Todoroki." Todo nodded, confirming my words.

"Are you feeling okay now?" Mina butted in, not wanting another argument to ensue. "Sensei said that you got hurt."

"Oh. Yeah. I overused my quirk trying out Shatter, that's all. When I run out of power, the mirror smashes and I get a migraine. But that nap fixed me right up!" I grinned, jumping out of bed to emphasize my point.

"We're glad you're feeling better!" Smiling, Kami put his hands in the air.

"We are. Dinner should be ready now. So let's go and eat." Tenya ordered. Everyone started running downstairs. Katsu waited for me to catch up.

"Are you sure you're okay?" He asked quietly. He must have felt guilty or something, seeing as he was the one who 'encouraged' me to use Shatter. I nodded, absently running my hand along my grazed knuckles. Knowing I was lying, he stopped and grabbed my wrists.

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