Chapter 17

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As soon as we arrived at our destination, I vaulted over a surprised Katsuki and sprinted out of the bus.

"Wait for us!" Kiri yelled after me, struggling to unbuckle himself. I jumped out and waved at Thirteen, who waved back with just as much vigour.

"Ohhh Hinami! It's been so long! Look at you, you've grown so much!" They squealed happily, inspecting every inch of me as I giggled a little nervously. Mido came rushing after me.

"Oh my God! I can't believe it!" They straightened up and greeted him.

"Hello there."

"H-hi! I'm Midoriya Izuku. It's nice to meet you!" They shook hands.


"Present Mic, you scoundrel!" Dad wrapped Thirteen in a bear hug as they both laughed.

"Pleasure to see you again." Father clapped them on the back. I turned to face the crowd of my peers staring around in wonder.

"Guess it's time to start!" Thirteen clapped their hands and took their place at the front of everyone as Mido and I joined our friends.

After a long speech where Thirteen explained their quirk, how some quirks could be dangerous, and the reason that they created the USJ, we were all sent off to train.

Still pissed off at Katsuki, I decided to do some physical training. I made my way to the obstacle course.

After about two hours, it was time to take a quick break. Only once I stopped, was I fully able to take in the buzz of activity around me. I could hear Katsuki screaming and blasting across the arena, I could occasionally see bursts of light from Aoyama, and Todoroki seemed to be having a great time trying to make the biggest wall of ice that he possibly could before Mido smashed it back down. Everyone in my eye-line had a smile on their faces. I could see why. This huge space where they had complete free reign with their quirks? Why wouldn't you take full advantage of it? I took one of my mirrors out and looked into my reflection, sighing sadly. Before I could come to any kind of uplifting conclusion, the ground seemingly opened up beneath me and I found myself falling through the darkness.

I fell onto something. No. Someone.


"Shoji? Sorry!"

"Don't mention it." He propped me upright with one of his dupli-arms.

"What's going on?"

"I don't know. It seems like we were all teleported here. But why?" I shrugged. We were back at the entrance. There was a click. Tenya sped over to the doors and called back.

"They're locked!"

"Locked? Try again!" Father yelled back.

"No use." We all looked around at each other apprehensively. At the other end of the clearing, a large purple... circle of some sort appeared. A feeling of dread burrowed into my stomach.

"Where's All Might?" I asked frantically.

"He was called away to an emergency." Tokoyami replied. Fuck. Then it hit me. The circle was a portal! Out from the portal, a large figure emerged.

It was humongous. It's skin looked like shiny, black leather, it's brain was exposed, and it's eyes looked empty.

Father pulled up his goggles and pushed Mina - who was closest to him - back.

"Kids! Get back! Hizashi, Thirteen, they are our biggest priority!" The three of them got into formation as we all huddled further back. Mido, Tenya, Todo, and Katsuki were working on getting the door open; with little luck. I stayed at the front of the group, unable to take my eyes off of my parents and the monster they were facing.

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