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About three months after Kamino Ward...


"Sensei!" Izuku and I were the first allowed to see Toshinori - aside from the authorities, of course, including my father. We had both beamed with pride when we were told that he had asked for us. Katsuki grumbled about our excitement the entire day, but we all know that he secretly wished he was invited too.

"Hello, my children." The man wheezed. He looked so old and frail, sitting in his hospital bed, attached to various monitors. But when he lifted one cast-covered arm in a weak wave and smiled, the both of us sighed in relief and dove onto the bed, one of us hugging either side. "Careful, careful!" He chuckled.

"We've missed you so much!" Izu's voice wavered.

"Don't cry, young Midoriya. I've missed you both tremendously." He gently picked up my hand, examining it.

"It's all healed up, Uncle." I lied.

Even with Recovery Girl's quirk, my arm and hand had taken some serious damage. The wound in my side hadn't needed any extra help, but I'd had to have surgery on my hand to pin some of the bone fragments into place, and then another to take the pins out two weeks later. The bandages were a constant reminder of the ordeal, and I couldn't wait for them to be taken off in a few more days. The doctors had told me that I'd eventually make a full recovery, but it was possible that I'd experience some pain and stiffness, especially in the colder months. They'd also said that if I took any more substantial damage, I could risk losing the function of my fingers. But that's a non-issue right now. I think.

"And how is therapy?" He hummed in a disbelieving tone. Principle Nezu insisted on the entire class going to at least a few sessions of therapy, with a more extensive programme for those more deeply affected, such as me and Izuku. It wasn't optional.

"It's going well." Izu responded after a moment's hesitation. I took a deep breath. I wouldn't tell Uncle about Izu's sleepless, tear-filled nights since his retirement, as long as he didn't say anything about mine.

"I may be retired as a hero, but an old man always has good advice up his sleeves. You two can tell me anything." I snorted.

"The last time I came to you for advice, I almost got expelled."

"Y-yes, well, I didn't realise that you actually meant-" He frowned. "Don't try to distract me. Is something the matter?"

"Well, it's just a bit difficult. Your retirement was... shocking, is all." Izu looked down at the bedsheets he was twirling between his fingers.

"A lot of things have changed. I don't suppose they're letting you watch the news?" I added.

"No. The doctors don't want to cause me any additional stress. But I've been worried regardless." He gave us a quick, comforting squeeze. Amongst everything in the news - our class acting as heroes, my fight against All For One, the retirement of the symbol of peace - there had been a lot of heavy criticism against Toshi. People believed that he didn't try hard enough to get to Kamino quickly. They essentially blamed him for what happened to me. Despite fighting being my own choice. I had actually very almost done an interview with Japanese National News about it all to defend him, but Father found out last minute and convinced me not to go.

"There's no need to worry about us." Izu and I replied in unison. Uncle's frown deepened.

"Are you sure that therapy has been alright? Has the therapist been treating you well, helping with your issues? There will be a lot on your shoulders soon, young Midoriya. You have a tendency to worry about these things." My friend huffed.

The Other Side - Katsuki Bakugou x OCWhere stories live. Discover now