Chapter Three.

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Hero was killing him.
Perfect was dying.


"I'm dead." He said conversationally to Fei who was clutching his arm and staring , along with a crowd of other students, who were about to enter the school.


How could Hero do this to him? And on his birthday.

Hero had been torturing them both forever.

Hero had begun working every chance he could.

Instead of studying at home with Perfect , he had joined the study group with Fei, Pelli,Tren and Tree , that Perfect occasionally sat in on .

When he and Perfect were together, he was was warm and attentive - as long as Perfect behaved himself.
If Perfect began giving him too many sultry glances, teasing touches or coaxing too many kisses from him, he would scowl, and sigh, saying Perfects full name sternly, then leave.

This happened with escalating frequency, until it culminated in more torn clothing, and a breathless Perfection reluctantly asking him to stop again, as he was nearly being crushed.
Hero had been upset at his own loss of control . Quiet and grim for days after that .

After that incident, to Perfect's mounting frustration, he managed to  almost completely avoid being alone with him.

Quickly finding a reason to leave the house if he saw that Minjun or Mei Lu weren't home. Staying late at study hall after school.
Perfect had been angry and hurt.
They had argued.

Perfect had cried. Hero had been unable to resist holding him to soothe his tears.

There had been a couple of times that cuddling had escalated quickly to deepening kisses, fumbling hands and  hot, wonderful messy results, but that was as far as Hero would allow.
He would avoid Perfect again, for days afterward.
They had almost broken up.
Stubborn. Poster boy for stubborn.
Perfection Kim was at his limit.

It was so unfair.

He knew what he wanted for his birthday.

There was definitely cake involved. 

He was finished with indulging his exasperating boyfriend's overly concerned fears.
Done. So done.
He had taken up running. He was stronger. Had grown two FULL inches. He was five foot six and a HALF.

Hero clearly wanted him.

He desperately wanted Hero .

Everyone believed they were already doing it.

He should have been writing courses , with titles like ' 365 best ways to have incredible sex with your hot boyfriend ' , by now.
But no. Nope. His stubborn, gorgeous , temple raised boyfriend was determined to uphold honour over common sense and desire.
How could he have done this to them?
He was so finished with all of it.
Now ... this.
Hero had purchased a motorcycle. He hadn't said a word to Perfect about buying it.

He had simply pulled up to park in a spot visible from outside of the doors of the school, and dismounted.
Pulling off the helmet to reveal a slick new haircut.

It was  razored high on the sides and longer on top , with a side part, that allowed longer hair to fall slightly over the scarred side of his face.

He was wearing a new jacket. New black leather dress boots and  new dress clothes that fit snugly over his tall muscular body.


"Is that Hero?' Fei asked in a strangled sounding voice.

Perfect could only nod.

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