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"Well hello handsome', a man's voice said coquettishly.
Hero's hand tightened around Perfection's just a little as they entered the spacious suite, just off the beautiful rose garden in the south east wing of the manor.

'Come give me a big kiss precious, I've missed you."
The warm male voice continued.

A tall woman wearing scrubs entered the room , leaving the door open to the large bedchamber behind her.
She smiled at them.

" He's awake and doing well this morning. Don't mind Pandora, she's a naughty bird - you can go right in, he's waiting to see you ."
Pandora squawked , flapping her deep lilac coloured wings , stretching her neck and sidling along her enormous perch . She tilted her purple feathered head , looking at them alertly.
The beautiful hyacinth macaw , Pandora, was easily the largest bird that Hero had ever seen inside a room.

Perfect hugged his arm and gazed at the beautiful creature in fascination as they passed her tall perch.
She bobbed her head , muttering something he couldn't quite catch as they walked by her , then picked up a piece of fruit from a bowl attached to the end of it , and began nibbling daintily.

Shin Hulin was sitting up in the folded medical bed.

He smiled at them both, moving a frail hand toward them . His expression was one of pure delight.

" Come in . Sit near me please, both of you."
Hero brought a chair forward for Perfect, making certain he was sitting comfortably. Then bowed deeply to his elder.
" Uncle", he said quietly. He placed another chair right beside his spouse.

"Hero ... I'm so glad to meet you. I was introduced to your beautiful other , yesterday. Did he tell you?"
Perfect smiled.
He leaned forward , allowing Shin's cold hand to rest in his , holding it gently.
" I did sir . I told him about meeting you."

The sky was overcast and a soft grey mist was causing the roses  to nod, heavy from moisture, outside the  sliding glass doors.

" About Ellis as well? I wish he could sit with us now ...For me it is enough that you know that we were happy. So happy...we found each other while we were young . We were lucky to have so many good years.'

He closed his eyes for a moment and sighed.
' You met Pandora ? I hope she didn't swear ' ... he glanced toward the outer chamber where the giant macaw was perched.' She is not known for her discretion, naughty girl."
Perfect smiled . " We did Uncle. She is so pretty! We thought there was a man speaking at first. "

Shin's smile was wry.

" That's Ellis you hear. She and I both adored him. In the 46 years that Pandora has been with me , she has only ever mimicked his voice." There was a loud clattering sound, then a squawk.
"Shin darling , Where's the champagne?"
Shin smiled.
" Ah, that was New Years eve, 1984. What an amazing party.'

Pandora made a soft cooing sound.

' She likes doves. We had a mated pair nesting on our windowsill."

" Save me those kisses handsome , we have company. But I'll want them all later."

The elder Hulin brother coughed.

Hero and Perfection were both smiling at him.
" Here Uncle', Perfect handed him a glass of water.
He drank a little , then continued , grinning at them.

" I suppose I should try to look properly embarrassed ... but I have suffered from an inconvenient condition for most of my life. For all of my life with Ellis , actually ."

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