Chapter Eleven.

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It was a beautiful drive.  The Ferry ride presented a nice opportunity to take some photos and enjoy the fresh salty air.
However , Perfect couldn't help but feel the  gentle tug of melancholy casting  clouds over his ability to enjoy the surprising event he had been gifted with.

To have won this contest truly was astonishing. Dazzling. All of it.
But watching the island grow nearer... Knowing that Hero was there on it somewhere...He couldn't prevent the hollow ache of loneliness... Of missing Hero , from settling dully in his heart.
He leaned against the railing and sighed.

It was a gloriously sunny day.
Warm and clear with a refreshing  ocean breeze. He inhaled deeply, admiring the craggy scenery with its abundant beautiful coastline.
Chloe was charming and courteous company. He listened to her politely.
Doing his best to at least appear to be enthusiastic while she explained that the photoshoot would be taking place on a private beach, that had some breathtaking Ocean views.

They reached the island then drove inland for another hour.

Finally , in through a wide gate and up a long , sun dappled winding road . Arriving at last , to an architectural gem of a beach house perched majestically on a sheer stone outlay overlooking a hard packed beach.

It had what appeared to be entire walls made of clear thick windows.
Well set in the outcropping, it possessed a large deck that ran around the entirety of its perimeter.

Perfect got out of the car and stretched like a cat, breathing deeply.

Chloe approached him with a smile .

The driver had momentarily disappeared - taking the suitcases up to the house.

" The photographer will be here in awhile' she said briskly. ' So you go in first, and get settled.
We will be here for the next couple of days. The door should be open . Do you have all of your luggage? You'll be going back to the mainland straight from here."

" I brought all of it , yes."
Perfect shaded his eyes gazing up at the beautiful house.

"You just go right in then. The rest of it has already been brought inside. You can choose any room.'
Chloe said, as she texted furiously on her phone.
She glanced up , noticing Perfect's hesitation.

' I'll be along, I just have to go check the set up further down the beach. You go on in , go ahead, just make yourself at home."
She smiled , holding up two fingers and winking as she took a selfie with Perfection, just as the driver reappeared. She hopped back in the car, waved and left.

Perfect shouldered his overnight bag , and went up the steps and into the house.

This huge beach house was stunning. He gazed about with wide eyed appreciation. Lofty, high vaulted ceilings made it appear both airy and vast.
A faint delicious scent of fresh coffee wafted to him. He heard a homey clatter of dishes.

He kicked off his sandals. Kept  his bag slung over his shoulder and headed toward the tantalizing aroma, enjoying the warmth of the smooth ceramic tiles under his bare feet .
In floor heating was an underrated wonder, he mused.

' Ah', he thought, as the rich coffee scent  grew stronger . ' kitchen must be just ahead. I'll grab a coffee first.'

He rounded the corner and entered a bright, sun drenched dining area.
The French doors had been opened to allow the fresh breezes to air the room, mingling with the aromatic smell of coffee and fresh baked something's ...

The table  had a vase of colourful cut flowers sitting on a crisp white table cloth. It was nicely laid out for two, he noticed.
Chloe would probably be along shortly.

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