Chapter Eight.

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Lee Hu set down the phone. He hurried to the office and knocked quietly.
" Enter," said Hero.
" Line 2. I spoke briefly to them. I think you'll want to take this offer.
It's a Corporate client wishing to book your personal service for a private function on the island."
" A Corporate client? Interesting."
" Huh. Ok. No interruptions."
He picked up the line.
A professional sounding young woman introduced herself.

" Chef Chanthara.Thanks for speaking with me today.
My name is Chloe Kyung Mi. I represent the 8/Kast Film Corporation.
Do you have a few minutes?"

" Of course. How can I help you?"

" I appreciate that. I'll get right to the point. We'd like to hire you as an in - house personal chef for a special event the film company has planned.

We would need  you to prepare the riders for the cast on the day we shoot the music video for a film in progress- but first we'd like to have you take care of our guest stars.
We'll definitely make it worth your while. "

" I would need time to have my sous chef set up a plan for my absence here. But send me your details and I'll take a look."

" Good. We would need you to stay in residence for the private service over five days and nights. We film on the afternoon of the fifth day.
We will need riders for ten people , the evening of that day.
You would return the morning of the sixth day , after breakfast service for ten.
If you are interested in this , it would take place three weeks from this Friday and I can answer any questions you might have right now.
You can send me a quote in eight to ten days. . We will cover transport arrangements, or pay for your fuel if you prefer to drive yourself.'

There was a brief pause and it sounded like another voice was speaking quietly in the background.
Chloe resumed the advisement, speaking briskly.

' There are no food allergies and it will be a small affair.
You'll only be cooking for two , until the fifth afternoon.
- Again, it can be simple.
Fresh fruit. Some lighter dishes. We'd prefer the menu overall , kept light and intimate - with emphasis on finger food.

Strawberries especially. That is a personal request from one of the guests.
Peaches. Mangos. Some light desserts. Chicken or shrimp as the mains.
There should be some nice wine pairings with the meals the first four days and good coffee and some other select beverages the last...I'll send you a list.
Will ten days allow enough time for you to prepare the menu plan if you're willing to consider this? "

'Good timing, thought Hero.
I can use the distraction. A change of scenery and atmosphere will do well.
The extra money can go toward the special gift I have in mind for Perfection. He will be arriving back home just after that week end.'
He quickly opened a file and typed in the pertinent information.

" I am interested. Yes. Ten days is sufficient, depending on location. I can have the quote done within that time.
Where is the residence?"
" It's in Nanaimo. A large house on a private beach.

The Company wishes to please the the two people they are planning this for , so please feel free to source the freshest ingredients."

" Nanaimo. That will be fine. I'll start planning right away."

" Good. Then it's settled. I'll e-mail the details about dates transport , location and my contact information in case you have any questions."

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