Afterword/regarding this series

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If you are reading this then you have likely read the whole book and this afterword is for you.
After the rough edit to ' H & P' , done in haste, so that the story will ( hopefully ) not be removed due to Wattpad's new policy re: all nsfw scenes written as ' open door' to all the lovely, smutty details must only involve characters who are 18 or older , instead of 16 , as it was when I originally wrote this - I elected to rewrite this story over on Inkitt, because I wanted to keep the context/ symbolism/ character insight that I had originally used Hero's temple raised background and Perfect's precocity and confidence , to portray via their first intimate scenes , that originally took place at , of course, different ages than what is written here now.
In doing so, I found myself surprisingly salty at HAVING to do so, lol. Nonetheless, I began the task, and soon realized that I had actually worked hard to try to make certain that these scenes were not gratuitous. That they were sincerely relevant to the love story, intrinsic to insightful character development and necessary to drive the story forward.
To my surprise, I discovered that - yeah, heck, I kind of managed to do that . Pretty well in fact. In fact I did too well with it , and now , ah's abit of a mess.
So I began rewriting it over on Inkitt, and I thought to myself- ' what if?'
I worked so hard to keep them dignified. Noble and respectful. Fluffy , sweet and touchingly in love. But...What if ... our noble Hero was more of a bad boy?
What if his love and desire for Kim Perfection was more realized ... and aggressively possessive ... what if it bordered on unhealthy, to the point where their interactions teeter on the precipice of dark obsession? What if Hero's battle to restrain himself with Perfect was MUCH harder ( sorry/not sorry 🤣🤣) and what if he can't? And Perfect...What if our little genius is angrier. Greedier. Still kind and good, but a lot more desperate and pissed off that he has to work to get a confession out of Hero ? What if this makes Perfect reckless and what if he makes a choice that goes sideways fast?
I mean, what could go wrong ... I may have to change the book on Inkitt. It might be subtitled ' Hero unchained', hehe.
Anyway, that's where I'm at right now, as of 2024/04/12.
Also, the next two books in the series will begin to develop / show the alternate earth/ timeline that Hero and Perfect actually live in. We got a glimpse of it with Ellis, but ghosts are not unknown to exist even here and now... However , there will be a rare , beautiful - and not completely human - young man , in the next book.
The third book in this series will be full on omegaverse and sizzling supernatural chaos will abound.
Perfection Kim and his beloved Hero will make cameos in all the books, and of course the best band ever will be around to save the day, or to at least have some members present and accounted for, while their fans find their hea.
Steamy , hot and sexy times ahead for all our men. Have fun peeps. 🐥
Kingsrabbit ( writing on Inkitt as ' NowTheSword')

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