Chapter Nine.

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  King Shyjian stared down at the  video Beitan had taken of the conversation he had shared with Kim Perfection.

Their golden boy had been rambling drunk and spouting all sorts of barely coherent nonsense.
But three things were very clear.

He was tired of the project he was working on. He missed his boyfriend to the point of despair- and that he and his boyfriend had been separated for a very long time.
It was altogether heartbreaking. Watching him.
Observing the shy young man they had all grown fond of, in such an anguished state.

The video began with Perfect holding up a piece of paper , facing the screen, with a formula on it.

  (X^2+y^2+a x) ^2=a^2(x^2+y^2) Was what he had written.

Beitan could be heard saying " Ah. I see" the formula.

It was the cartesian equation of a cardioid.

A heart shaped plane figure.

" Is it a heart shaped world, or are you just in love?" He said.

Perfect lowered the paper and beamed at him. His eyes were red rimmed and puffy. It was clear he had been crying.

"Am I in love? I AM!'  He grinned then laughed . The laugh caught and ended as more of a sob.

" You are? That's good, right?" Beitan said , observing him carefully.

'" Oh yes. But Beitan -  Fartanen thinks I'm shopping- can you imagine? He wants to jump me...when it's only ever gonna be Hyung, right? My beautiful Hero Hyung...It's always going to be Hero. Like it always has been, because his whole BEING is...there's no formula for Hero...But I want to spend my life trying to convince him that there IS...and that I . Will. Find it!'
Perfect slapped his hand on the table in front of the computer screen on the last few words.
He laughed an odd laugh, flinging out an arm to emphasize this bold proclamation.

He succeeded in nearly falling out of his chair.  There was a blur of motion, and the sound of something falling off the desk.

He collected himself clumsily.

'Whoops! I will find it! Every day. For hours. I love him sooooo much.'"

Beitan was  very concerned.

"Perfect ! Are you alright? Hey, what's going on buddy?  You should drink some water, really. Try to rest."

Perfect smiled at the screen. He looked pleased but melancholy.

"Awww. Thass so sweet... You care about me? Because Beitan! You know what? "

Perfect leaned conspiratorially toward the laptop screen, until all that could be seen was one puffy, bloodshot eye.

Beitan waited. Then finally spoke .

" What? You should drink some water Perfection."

Perfect sat back, again. He looked very serious.

" I care about you too! I am drinking . Yes I am. But Beitan... Hey Beitan... Best piano player... That's you. Yup. But my Hero... About Hero- do you know that HE is the most BEAUTIFUL singularity in every  possible universe , with complete disregard for potentials in everything but those hands on my skin? It's true!'

He sighed happily and leaned back. For a moment he appeared to be reminiscing about something blissful.

Suddenly he lunged forward and grabbed a pen.

' It's true, ' he repeated. ' Wait...just wait... ' he was scribbling furiously on a sheet of paper . Finally holding it up to the screen , exclaiming  ' YES! THAT IS THE BEST THING I HAVE EVER WRITTEN! Look!'

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