Chapter Six.

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He wanted to feel him.
More than anything.
It had become a dull  deep ache inside  his breast . An ache that could no longer be pushed aside in order to focus on the work he had made a commitment to.

He couldn't leave. Not now.

To ignore the pain of it was becoming more difficult by the day.
He missed Hero so much.

The scent of his warm skin.
The deep quiet of his voice beside his ear.

It had become nearly unbearable.

When they spoke he could hear the undercurrent of misery  and loneliness that eddied just below the surface of Hero's words and his own.
He needed to feel Hero's arms around him. Feel his big hands stroking his hair.

He had lost sight of it.
The  vision. The  layers of possibilities.

Of the fierce wonder that sighting a singular outstanding potential dancing amidst the formula had once given him.

Instead, he had begun to despise the austerity .

The cold structures of the labs and the underlying competitiveness and quiet hostilities that sometimes seemed to permeate everything they tried to do as a team.

The unspoken condescension that seemed to touch on anything they discussed outside of the work .

How it's value was understood to be inherently less important than the cumulative completion of what they were developing.

Since they had been nominated for an award it had become worse.

He was so fucking tired of all of it.

He just wanted his boyfriend.
Hear his voice.
Watch him eat.
See his eyes darken with that look .
Hear him laugh. The way he did when it was just the two of them
Kiss him...

Oh God.
He wanted Hero's kiss.

He felt the hot tight feeling well up behind his eyes.
He wrapped his arms around himself tightly and rocked back and forth . Sitting on his comfortable cot in the small room that was allotted to him at the facility.

He wanted to be held .

He needed to dissolve into the complete bliss that was Hero's mouth on his.

He ached to feel every inch of his skin come alive with shivery  tingling delight the way it did only when Hero's huge calloused hands caressed him.

He yearned for him.

' Hero', he whispered, squeezing his eyes shut against the hot sting of useless tears.

His mouth. His hands. His big beautiful  everything . Those strong arms around him.

His rough voice telling him how much he loved him as he moved inside of him.

Because that's what Hero would do.

He would make love to him for days... That's what he had said.
Perfect believed him.

That is... If they ever had a chance to be in the same room again, with any degree of privacy ...

Although the way he felt at this moment , he wouldn't care if they did it in the middle of a soccer field on game day.
Maybe not on game day...

He couldn't bring himself to smile.
He rubbed the back of his neck and sighed.

Right now, if Hero fell from the sky to stand before him, he would climb him like a tree without regard or care for anyone who might happen to be near.
Hero could ask him to do anything ... Anything at all and he would do it unhesitatingly. With joy.

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