Chapter Fourteen.

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Hero stared at her in astonishment.

" How did you find this place?"
Pei Shan Xiang stared at her grandson.

" Of course we sent bodyguards to protect you.
Hero , we have tried to be respectful when you have shared so little with us.'

Hero's eyes narrowed  but he did not interrupt.

He had forgotten the bodyguards. They were adept at being discreet.

He had found himself consumed with brooding inward thoughts of Perfection , or the pressing concern of the restaurant. The only time he had noticed them since attending cooking school , was when he went rock climbing.

'Always polite but so distant', Pei Shan thought sadly , watching  his face shutter once more.
' Never letting us know his thoughts unless he must.'
She collected herself , speaking calmly.
' We called the restaurant  when you were gone the extra day...They said you were still on the island. We asked for a report from the brothers after two more days had passed, and they said they believed you were getting married...' her self possession slipped just a little, and she was disappointed to hear  her voice sound querulous , but she couldn't hold back . ' Married... Hero...Is this true?"

Hero looked at her for a long moment before answering.

" It is true". His tone was always the same. Cool and neutral.

She looked more bewildered than angry.

"How can this be? You never...This is such a sudden thing! Is it a girl  you met in cooking school? Or at the restaurant?
You have never mentioned her...How, Hero, who is she?'

She wrung her hands.

'Your Grandfather is at his brother's side right now. He is at the hospital...But he is as confused as I am...The brothers...Your bodyguards said it is someone they had never seen before this week end...It makes no sense...We hope you are not rushing into anything recklessly. I came as quickly as  I could...I - we care about you Hero , please understand...We lost your Mother to a bad marriage -"

Hero's eyes flashed coldly for a moment. He interrupted quietly.

" We lost her to pride and lack of forgiveness.  Did either of the brothers, Sung-ho or Han- gyeol tell you anything more about the one I am marrying?"

His Grandmother was blinking rapidly. She suddenly appeared to be close to tears.

" No. Just that it was someone they had never seen before - Hero , we"-

Hero raised his hand.
" Wait," he said.
His Grandmother opened her mouth like she was going to speak again, but she closed it and waited when she saw Hero's expression become hard.

He looked at her and spoke softly.
" Thank you.  I am going to tell you who I am marrying , and  I will promise you this : I will let no one cast disparity of any kind - on the one I love more than anything in this world - no , don't speak - I'm not finished.'
He looked very grave.
' Think carefully about what you truly want - because this day sees the fulfillment of my greatest happiness.'

His eyes were calm.
' I will tolerate nothing less from either of you  , than complete acceptance of him. If you do not believe this is possible  - then please , take the brothers and leave, because I will no longer recognize either of you - I believe that will be for the best.'
He looked at her steadily.
' I say this with nothing but respect for all of us.'

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