Chapter 24 - Feeling So Confused

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The light sound of soft raindrops tap on the roof above me, waking me up. I flutter my eyes open, taking sight of my burgundy record player on my desk. Sitting up, I look around, noticing the empty space on the floor beside my bed.

Wasn't Maya staying in here for the night? Did she sleep on the couch?? Where is she???

I check my clock. It reads 10:30.
Usually, Maya wakes up way earlier, maybe she just put her sleeping bag away and she's watching tv downstairs.

But there's no sound coming from any other part of the house whatsoever... What the heck?

I get up and open my door, the floor slightly creaking as I step out and look downstairs from the railing, seeing dad on the couch, reading a...newspaper? Brochure??

He looks up at me, obviously startled by the noise, "Good morning sunshine!" He whisper-yells through the deadly silence in the house.

"Good morning," I reply, furrowing my eyebrows when there's no sight of my sister.
Oh wait, she could be in the bathroom!

I look to my left, seeing the bathroom door fully open. She isn't.

If she's not in there, she's definitely not in my bathroom because no one was in there when I woke up. Where in the world is she, then? First of all, why am I so bothered by this??

"Actually, it's not morning, it's the afternoon." My dad comments, disrupting me from my thoughts.

"Hm?" I reply in confusion.

"It's 3 in the afternoon. You alright? You seem, I don't know, spooked," Dad comments, taking in on my expression.

3 in the afternoon ? Didn't my clock just read 10:30-

"Spooked," I repeat to myself, "Dad, where's Maya?" I rush down the stairs and look out the window, hoping to see her car outside.

No sight of her car at all.

"Maya? She's still in New York."

"How? Wasn't she just here? We went to the concert together last night, I thought she was going to stay here for another day but I guess she left. But why would she leave without saying goodbye to me?"

I turn around, receiving a face from him that told me I was a psychopath that needed to be put in an asylum.

"Honey, Maya never came here. And what concert are you talking about? Is everything okay with you-"

"Your birthday, she came for your birthday. You remember?" I recall.

"My birthday isn't until three months."

"It happened! She was here! I know it!!"

"Maybe you should- lie down. Drink some water."

"I'm just going to... go up to my room instead." I weakly smile and slowly walk up the fragile stairs, rushing to my bedroom the second I get to the top.

Anxiously biting my nails, I pick up my phone and go to my text messages.

Lou Lou😋🤩


Lou Lou😋😋
Hello helloooo :))
You okay ?? You didn't the word "hey" in all uppercases with extra y's.

oh i'm fine
i woke up literally 10 minutes ago.
and this morning has already been so weird.

Lou Lou😋🤩
How weird ?
Like The Bee Gees shaving their beards weird or
your dad not reading a newspaper everyday weird ??
That was an awful example, my bad

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