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New story! I have been reading so many M rated stories that I just decided to write one myself. I hope you all enjoy this new Larry story. I hope you like it!


Louis wiggled in his seat impatiently. His heart pounded in his chest as he waited for the interview in the room filled with women.

Recently being fired from his old job, he saw a couple newspaper ads describing how the oh-so-famous Harry Styles needed a new secretary.

Everyone knew who Harry Styles was. The CEO of Styles Enterprises, Harry was well known for having a cold heart towards almost anything. Many women tried to crack through his heart but all failed.

Louis guessed the majority of the women wanted to do that today. Tiny miniskirts and low cut tank tops seemed to be the new fad when going to an interview for Harry Styles. Louis didn't want the job to get into his pants though. He desperately needed a job, and he doubted any company would take him. This was already the fifth job interview he'd been to.

A sharply dressed woman walked out. She had blonde hair and a tight smile the moment she spotted all the eager young women.

"Hello. My name is Perrie Edward. I am going to be interviewing each one of you."

A loud chorus of complaints and groans was immediately followed. Louis noticed how the woman rolled her eyes, as though used to this treatment.

"The first one will be..."

And thus the interviews began. Louis gulped as each woman was taken back then came out with a bright grin, as though it went well. When his name was called out, he stumbled up and followed Perrie into the room.

He sat down across from her on the chair as she sat behind the desk. She raised an eyebrow at him, glancing at him up and down almost critically.

"Mostly women are interested in the job."

It wasn't an insult, Louis noticed. Just an observation. Louis nodded, rubbing his sweaty palms on his black pants. Perrie sighed and leaned back with a clipboard.

"You're Lewis Tomlinson?"

"No, Actual its is Louis silent the s. " Louis correct.

"Okay sorry. So why do you want to work at Styles Enterprises?"

She sounded almost bored as though she repeated this process and this questioning too much. Louis wouldn't doubt she did.

Louis paused, biting his lip slightly before turning to her. "I want a challenge."

The woman blinked, furrowing her eyebrows in surprise.

"A challenge? As in seducing Mr. Styles?"

Louis lip curled in slight disgust. "Nothing like that, Miss Edward. I meant a challenge with the company it self. I have heard Mr. Styles fires a secretary at least once or twice a month. I want to see if I can surpass this. I want a challenge with a job, and this seemed like the perfect offer."

Louis didn't dare mention what happened previously in his old job. In fact, his old job was one of this company's only rival. Mentioning how he was fired and what happened would probably lose him the job. He couldn't find any other job because the company had such a powerful influence. He figured Styles Enterprises would be the only one Payne Enterprises wouldn't have reached.

"Alright then," Perrie offered a more polite smile and asked him other questions.

Previous work experiences and such. Louis purposefully did not mention Payne Enterprises at that question. By the end of the interview, Perrie seemed to enjoy his company, even asking him to call her Pez.

"Have a good day, Lou."

"You too," Louis offered her a lopsided grin before walking out.

Only seconds later was girl called out. she hopped up and ran in, her short skirt was flying up and exposing white panties. Louis shuddered slightly, feeling bad for Perrie.

As he walked down the halls of the main building, he wondered if he actually received the job. Perrie did seem to like him but the other girls were also confident when they walked out.

He just prayed he got the job.


Louis yawned as he walked into his apartment. After the interview, he went out for dinner, alone, and walked home. Now he was beat and slightly anxious on the interview.

He stumbled towards his bed and collapsed onto it, sighing happily. He felt his eyelids drop slowly only for them to burst wide open when his cell phone began to ring. He groaned in annoyance and turned towards his nightstand that had his cell phone.

He answered it grumbling a "hello".

"Louis Tomlinson," a voice went over the phone. Louis blinked, sitting up on his bed. A confused expression took over his face.

"Who is this?" he demanded rather rudely.

The voice clearly belonged to a man, who chuckled. It was a strange chuckle too. Like this man knew something he didn't.

"You said you wanted a challenge? Well, let's see how much you can handle. Be at my office tomorrow at nine o'clock am, sharp with coffee. You should consider yourself lucky you got the job."

Louis mouth went dry just as the man hung up the phone. Was that Harry Styles? Did that mean he got the job? Louis blinked and glanced towards the alarm clock next to him. He grabbed it rather harshly and set it to seven a.m. His heart pounded with excitement. He got the job!

Grinning, he leaned down and fell asleep.


Perrie frowned instantly at the mischievous grin that spread across Harry Styles face. She knew that grin all too well. Once again, he wanted to toy with his new secretary. He would give the poor soul impossible jobs only to yell at them.

He would "give them a second chance" by giving them an even harder job. By the end of the first two weeks, they would be gone. Perrie would know, having to take care of the many women who cried from his anger.

"It's too bad," Perrie mumbled to herself. Harry raised a eyebrow at her.

She shrugged. "I liked this one."

Harry snorted. "He'll be gone in the first week."

Perrie frowned but didn't argue. It wasn't in her place. Instead she swiftly walked out, leaving Harry swirling in his chair while smirking at the professional picture of Louis.

"Louis Tomlinson," Harry smirked, a dark look in his green eyes.

"Welcome to Hell."


The next chapter will be a lot longer and there will be smut So it will be rated M very soon. I hope you all liked it so far. Don't forget to comment and Vote. Edited.

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