Chapter 15

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Hello guys.. It's been a while right? I'm really sorry about the long hiatus. I feel touched you guys still faithful waiting for the new chap and still asking me for the new chap. I'll update till finish. So WhAt Do YoU ThInK aBoUt ZeN NeW AlBuM? WhIcH SoNg DiD YoU liKe? MiNe WaS LiKe I WoUld, PiLLoW TaLk, BeFour.

Lashton and some Louis/Ashton.


Louis stared at the invitation with an open mouth and bugged out eyes. Niall and Zayn still wanted him to go to their wedding? In the past three weeks since he was fired, he didn't speak to anyone that reminded him of Styles Enterprises, so why would they still want him to come? Perhaps they still considered him a friend even after all the stunts he pulled on Harry.

He sighed, placing the invitation on the desk and rubbing his temples. Should he go? Would Harry be there?

"Course he would," he grumbled to himself.

Harry cared about Zayn and Niall on some level, and he wouldn't miss his friends' wedding out of fear Louis would come.

What would happen if he saw Harry again? Would he blurt out his new found love for the CEO? Should he? No, Louis shook his head. He already broke Harry heart, so it would be cruel to say he suddenly realized he loved him after all the drama.


A knock on his apartment door interrupted his thoughts, and he quickly placed the invitation in a drawer.

Walking up to his door, he wondered who would be coming over at this time. Liam, maybe? Once he opened the door, he was mildly surprised to see Ashton standing there with a bright grin.

"Hey Loueh" he teased. "It's been a while."


Harry wasn't shocked when Luke literally barged into the room with a cocky smirk on his lips. He suspected the new secretary let him in due to Luke charming the poor woman.

Sighing, he quickly signed the last paper on the giant stack and turned his attention towards his friend. In the past three weeks, he had started adjusting to making friends and talking about his feelings. Niall, Zayn, Perrie and even Josh all had their little "personal talks" with him, and he was waiting for Luke to do the same.

"Hey Hemmings." He monotonously said. "How come the husband isn't here with you?"

"Cause I've sent him on his own little mission," Luke took the seat across from Harry. "I heard everyone was having a nice movie moment with you, and I wanted in, so I came in."

"How very nice of you." Harry snorted.

Luke mischievously grinned and leaned back on his chair. "I am."

"So what deep, personal moment did you want to have with me? I've covered topics from Louis to my family to my emotional constipation so far." Harry told him in a teasing tone, but Luke knew he was being serious.

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