Chapter 9

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This chapter is suppose to be post on Louis birthday but i do it late 'cause suck fookin wifi. Happy birthday Boobear love you much. Ugh my baby is 24, *sad*.


Of all the things Zayn expected that day, Harry Styles storming into his office was not one of them. The curly threw open the doors almost harshly forcing Zayn to jump in surprise and a bit of fear. If Harry noticed he scared Zayn, he didn't say anything. In fact, he simply started to pace about the room, eyes narrowed at the carpeted ground.

Zayn was about to open his mouth and ask why he wasn't at his company but decided against it. Clearly Harry was so lost in thought that if Zayn spoke, he wouldn't be able to hear. So Zayn just went back to his papers and acted as though Harry didn't just storm into the room without warning.

It took around five minutes for Harry to finally speak. "I'm not that good with feelings."

"Feelings?" Zayn asked disbelievingly.

Harry skipped a day of work to talk about his feelings? Or lack of? It baffled Zayn completely. What did Louis do to the once cold hearted man? Whatever it was, Zayn silently reminded himself to thank the boy later.

"You mean Louis?"

"Who else would I be talking about?" Harry snapped. "You'd have to be blind and deaf to not know how I feel about that kid!"

"So what's the problem then?" So Harry did realize how obvious his feelings were.

"Louis blind and deaf!" he exclaimed bitterly. "I took him out on a date, and he didn't realize it was a date! Am I that really that bad at expressing how I feel-Zayn? Why the hell are you laughing at me?"

Zayn laughing increased in volume at the last question.

After all they've been through, after every rough patch and downfall, Harry finally came back to him to talk about how to express his emotional state.

"Sorry," Zayn snickered. "It's just, remember when you had that huge crush on Perrie when we were in high school? You were showing your love for her but trying to be subtle. She understood your hints and debated asking you out on graduation night but you disappeared. Now you've met someone new and you're practically screaming 'I like you' at them, and they don't have a clue."

"Shut up," a hint of a smile crossed Harry face. "It's not the first time someone's misunderstood my

"I know," Zayn beamed. "So many women thought you were in love with them and you had to set them straight."

"I was actually talking about you and Niall," Harry sat down on the chairs across from his desk. "You really think I contacted Malik Design because my company needed your support? Or that I kissed Niall because I was really bored? Or that was I really tolerant of Perrie when she was a brat just because she was a good lay? " Zayn gaped at the man, trying to make sense of what he was saying.

Yes, he's heard the insults to all of them and the glares their way. But were they out of hate or screaming for attention? The small acts of kindness Harry done for them flooded through his head. All of the contrasting ideas swelled in his head, trying to make sense of it all. Harry cared all along. It just took Louis for him to try and reach out to them.

"You care." He lamely stated.

Harry snorted. "Took you long enough. When I contacted you, I didn't really think about what I was doing. Just that I needed to do it. I was an asshole, I admit that. I tried thinking that it was all strictly business and maybe that I didn't want your friendship. I do. I always have. Maybe I was trying to relive high school days by intervening with Niall' love life and hooking up with Perrie."

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