Chapter 1

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This chapter will show you larry smut. Just imagine that was Styles Building.


When he awoke, enormous relief flooded his body. His alarm clock managed to go off at the exact time he set it to. Part of him was worried the damn thing wouldn't work the night before. That would be just his luck. Thank goodness it did work though! He turned it off, showered, and prepared himself for the day.

He didn't want to rush and look sloppy, but he also didn't want to take too long and look overly prepared. When he finally decided on a light blue shirt with black dress pants, he walked out of the flats feeling proud. He wouldn't lose this job. He was determined not to. This was his last option.

And he wouldn't let Grimshaw win.

With that thought in mind, he took a cab to the building. The man stared at him questionably, as though wondering why a man working for Styles Enterprises would be using a cab. Louis only offered him a bright smile. The man shrugged and started driving. Louis glanced out the window and grinned.

The city really was beautiful. If the busy cars and scattering people disappeared, it would be even more gorgeous. The man announced their arrival, breaking his train of thought. Louis thanked and paid him before rushing out and walking into the building.

He was immediately greeted by Perrie, who smiled at him.

"Hello Louis," she smiled with relief. He wondered why though. "It's nice to see you again. You're early."

"Likewise," Louis grinned. He glanced at his clock and realized that he was early by an hour.

They shook hands briefly before Perrie turned around, her heels clacking on the floor. Louis shrugged and decided to follow her. Looks like that was what she wanted when she began talking.

"Harry has decided to hire you because you wanted a challenge," Perrie informed him truthfully. "But I must warn you Harry is very hard to work for. He's a genius but difficult."

As Perrie continued her speech, Louis noticed the workers staring at him with immense pity. Louis frowned at that but continued to listen to Perrie.

She started with the history of the building and how Harry rose from nothing to everything in the matter of six days. That remained a mystery to everyone, including her. She mentioned to only refer to him as Mr. Styles since he hates informalities.

"Then why do you call him by his name?" Louis piped up.

Louis barely caught the light tint of red on her cheeks. She was blushing.

"I am different," she went with. "I knew him when we were kids."

Louis blinked, clearly stunned. Perrie quickly changed the subject and went back to the building. She pointed to an almost hidden room. It was small with a fridge in the corner, counters, and a sink.

"This is where you'll get Harry coffee," Perrie stepped in the room.

She pointed to the coffee machine.

"He likes it black. No cream. No sugar. Mess up his coffee and you'll be dealing with a lifetime of nightmares."

"He must really like his coffee," Louis joked.

Perrie expression turned dark. "Yes. He does."

Louis gulped but nodded. Okay, black coffee. Don't mess with his coffee. He repeated that in his head a couple more times. Perrie grave look vanished after a couple seconds.

Louis continued to trail after her until he reached a desk right outside a seemingly important room.

"That's Harry office. This will be your new desk. You can personalize it if you want. But I suggest waiting a few weeks to do that."

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