Chapter 8

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MERRY CHRISTMAS AND HAPPY HOLIDAY. ITS 2DAYS BEFORE THE SMOL BIRTHDAY. And about Louis and Danielle just ignore it just focus and believe in larry guys don't lost hope❤.


Harry intensely stared at Louis from across the table. The smaller boy scanned the menu with small changes of expressions at each new choice. It was slightly fascinating.

Was this really what being in love was like? Being completely and utterly captivated by the smallest quirks that other person had? He liked the feeling, Harry concluded.

The restaurant was a fancy one, filled with the upper class, but Louis didn't seem to mind even with the obvious stares going his way. Well, it wasn't everyday Harry Styles took someone out on a real date.

"So what's the occasion?" Louis interrupted the peaceful silence between them. The brown haired boy did not look up from his menu though. He only quirked an eyebrow.

Harry snorted. "I need a reason?"

Did people need specific reasons to take the ones they loved on dates? Maybe dates this fancy. Harry ranked his mind for something meaningful.

"You took a pretty bad beating for me, and you didn't reveal any company secrets. So thank you. Oh, and sorry about the bodyguards." Louis smirked at the last comment but frowned a second later.

"I didn't-" Whatever he was about to say was cut off when the waiter appeared, asking them if they would like any wines or beverages.

Both put their order in and the subject was firmly dropped. For now. For the remainder of the evening, the two mostly joked about the company, the employees, and the strange people walking into the restaurant.

One tease about the middle aged couple made Harry snort out in an obnoxiously loud laughter which only earned more stares. Some of the whispers reached the table, consisting of who the heck was making stone hearted Harry Styles laugh so hard. Again, Louis promptly ignored them.

"You want dessert?" Harry questioned once they finished the meal.

Louis patted his stomach, smirking. "I'm full. How can you rich people eat so much fancy food and not be full?"

"How can you poor people eat so much disgusting food and not be full?" Harry shot back, smirking.

Louis grinned. "Good point."

The two continued their discussion when the waiter came back with the check. Louis reached towards his back pocket, possibly to pay for his meal, but Harry shook his head.

"You honestly think I'm going to make you pay?" the curly frowned.

What kind of date would that be if Louis paid? He must have been with some pretty sleazy guys in the past if they forced him to pay. The point of these dates was to treat the loved ones, right? Louis quizzically stared at him but put his hands up in mock surrender. Harry snickered and put down his credit card for the bill.

"So you're paying for me too? Geez, you must really not want these secrets to be revealed," Louis said, and Harry couldn't tell if he was joking or serious. He went along with it anyway.

"You were beat up," Harry glared at his empty glass of wine at the memory. "It was pretty brave of you to face that just to protect me." He flushed.

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