Chapter 11

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Good fookin bye 2015 and welcome 2016. Happy new years, guys!! Hope 2016 don't sucks much for larries shipper, Fock hendall. I'm off twitter for a while till the hendall thing gone. Its too much for my larry heart.


Louis stormed into Harry office, slamming down his coffee on the desk. Part of Harry was scared to touch the beverage out of fear that it was smothered with sugar and cream like last time.

Harry raised an eyebrow at his worker making him roll his eyes and hurl a newspaper in front of him. It had been one week since Harry revealed his secret, and the two became closer than before much to their friend's shock.

"Read the headline," Louis growled.

Styles Attempting to Crush Payne?

Harry frowned. Were his intentions that obvious? Most likely. He met Louis furious eyes and tried to think of a way to escape the boy's fury.

"What?" Harry smiled innocently. "We've been planning to do this for a while, Louis. He's rising with power, and I need to put a stop to it before he can beat us out. It has nothing to do with you."

"Bullshit." Louis eyes blazed with absolute fury. "You put an end to this right now, or I swear to God-"

"You'll what?"Harry interrupted, something closely related to jealous entering his conscious.

He's felt jealousy before when he was in high school and Perrie was being pursued by many. This feeling was a bit stronger, a bit angrier.

Was Louis truly defending the one who hurt him the most? The one who desperately tried to hide him and broke up with him without a second thought? Wasn't this something Louis wanted? Revenge didn't seem too out of character for him. After all, he attempted to beat up Nick, did he not?

"Louis, you have no power over me. No authority, so I can do what I want."

"Like hell I don't have authority over you!" Louis screamed. "You and I both know I'm not just for fucking anymore. We're friends , dammit! As a friend, I do have authority over you and I damn well should since you're acting like Liam fucked and broke up with you!"

Harry sighed, all anger disappearing. Perhaps he should have told Louis about his plan considering it involved him. So this was breaking someone's trust? He made a mental note to try and not do that to Louis again.

"I'm sorry," he said meaningfully. "I was angry that he hurt you, and I wanted to make him pay. Please understand I did this for you." Much like Harry, Louis anger dissolved pretty quickly after the small speech.

His voice softened when he explained, "I don't need protecting Harry. Call off your plans."

Harry nodded and watched as Louis exited the room. With a heavy sigh, he whipped out his cell phone and dialed Lou number. It only took a few rings for the woman to answer in her normally perky tone.

"The plan's off," he found himself saying. It went against every fiber of his being, but it was up to Louis. He's never met Liam before and this act was for Louis. But if Louis didn't want it, what good was the plan?

"Payne will no longer be targeted."

It's silent for a few seconds and soon Lou is laughing over the phone.

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