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•Masky POV•

We arrived at a hotel. I'd already taken my mask off, Hoodie did too but kept his face hidden from me. We were on yet another mission, this one a little more complex than the others. Most people we had to eliminate lived close to the forest, this guy however, lived in the city. He'd come to town and take away kids, which wasn't very ideal.

I did all of the talking and got us into our room, Hoodie stayed silent. I let my name slip when I checked in, not that Hoodie would use it anytime soon. We walked down the hall in silence before I let him in. He then did something I didn't expect, he pulled his hood down and looked at me before putting his stuff down. I stared for longer than I thought. I didn't expect him to look like that.

I eventually shut the door, staying silent as I walked to the window and stared out of it. The target was supposed to live around here.

•Birds eye POV•

The two proxies sat in complete silence for over an hour, just waiting by the window. Other voices could be heard from other rooms, people having fun, talking and shouting. The room felt empty. A sigh escaped Masky's lips before he finally looked away from the window, leaving his partner to take over. It was then that Hoodie tapped Masky's shoulder, pointing to a man walking up to the hotel once the proxy turned. "That's him." Masky replied to his partner's action, leaving him nodding as he grabbed his Mask and weapons.

They both hid their belongings in their pockets, Hoodie carrying Masky's mask as he didn't have a big enough pocket. They left their room, the sound of their unsynchronised footsteps being the only sound coming from them until they reached the lobby, Masky beginning to speak in a quiet tone as their target entered the building. "You remember everything, right?" Hoodie nodded. "You better actually do your job this time." Masky muttered before starting to walk, Hoodie following close behind.

Their plan was set into motion when Masky tapped Hoodie's wrist. He was supposed to lure the man outside, bring him behind the hotel before Masky slit his throat from behind.

Hoodie passed Masky his mask behind his back, making sure it was hidden before approaching the man.

•Masky POV•

I was handed my mask as I left the building, keeping it hidden under my flannel before making my way behind the hotel. It was extremely quiet there. I'd instructed Hoodie to lure the man there, I didn't know how he'd do it. 'He doesn't speak, I would've been better doing it myself.' I thought to myself before I heard a man talking, immediately I hid and slipped on my mask, bringing out my knife. 'He'd better not fuck this up.'

I peaked round the corner, observing everything. Hoodie looked all happy and smiles, acting like he was actually interested on befriending that pest.

I saw my opportunity after a few minutes, silently creeping up and raising my knife. I struck it down but my wrist was caught, he'd seen me. I was immediately held in a tight grip, being struck on the cheek with strong knuckles. I fought back, glancing at the spot where Hoodie once was. He'd fled. Coward.

The target was strong, managing to take three slashes to the shoulder before pinning me against the concrete wall, snatching my knife as he tightened his grip on my neck, which he now had ahold of. I could feel the air leaving my lungs, my vision going blurry after at least two minutes. I felt a prick at the side of my abdomen, my knife. 'This is it, this is how I fail.' I thought to myself, weakly grabbing ahold of the man's wrist. I was about to surrender and give up when I heard the sound of fast paced footsteps, a harsh sound of metal colliding with an object following after. I was released and immediately fell to the ground, coughing and trying to regain my breath and vision.

I looked up, seeing the yellow and black blur before me. My vision eventually was restored and I was met with the rather relieving sight of Hoodie. But I couldn't say I was completely happy. "WHAT TOOK YOU SO LONG?!" I yelled, my voice dry and not as loud as I'd like it to be. I stood up and stared him right where his eyes would be behind his mask. He responded by pulling out a blood stained knife from his jean pocket, a witness. "You know to deal with witnesses after the mission is completed." I responded, pushing him slightly. He nodded and rubbed the nape of his neck, stupid prick.

We were just about to leave when I heard the sound of metal being dragged across grainy concrete behind us, the rusty pipe Hoodie has used being my first thought as to what it could be. I turned around as quickly as I could and saw our target behind us, bleeding from the head. He held the pipe above himself, about to strike one of us down. He was aiming for me and struck, I was shoved and that sound was played again, my ears beginning to ring. It didn't take me any time to think about it, I just attacked. A rush of adrenaline came over me as he struck and I managed to grab the target's hair and stab him in the neck with the knife I'd taken away from my partner. He froze for a moment before falling and holding his bloodstained neck, bleeding out on the floor as I watched him struggle to breathe. I waited until he was dead for certain before turning around and bending down to my partner in a caring manner, not understanding why I was worried. He wasn't hit in the head thankfully, but his shoulder had been struck, leaving it dislocated.

The sight of Hoodie clutching his shoulder, clearly in excruciating pain made my blood boil. Not because I was mad at him, but because he'd been hurt. I don't know why I care so much. I helped him up and let him hold my arm as I pushed at his dislocated shoulder, attempting to place it back into its original position. I've done this enough times with Toby to know what to do. It didn't take long before it was back in position, a small pained groan coming from my partner. That was the first time I'd heard a noise from him.

We left that night, packing our weapons and masks away and taking the train back to our town. The train station was like a ghost town, only us two and the woman that gave us our tickets being there. Once we boarded our train after a long wait, we were met with two other people. Hoodie clutched onto his shoulder the entire journey back while I thought about the days' events. My thoughts were interrupted when I heard a voice beside me, tired and quiet. "Brian. My name's Brian."

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