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•Birds eye pov•

It was the night after The Operator's proxies had confessed and became a couple. That night was colder. It was almost pitch black in the forest, the wind slightly picking up as the clouds covered the moon, the only thing that helped light the path.

"It's pitch black. I can't see a thing!" A feminine voice perked up. "Just keep moving forward, stick your foot out and feel around in case you fall." A more masculine one responded. "You were right, I should've waited until the morning! But even so, he would've definitely noticed we were gone!" The feminine voice picked up again. Silence fell upon the two voices for a few minutes before the crunching of sticks stopped, a light could be seen lightly illuminating the cobble path. "Is that it?" The masculine voice spoke up. "It must be! Come on!"

The crunching began again, slowly going quieter as the two approached the massive house before them. "Remind me why you wanted to come here again?" The masculine voice whispered. "Because I heard him talk about a new proxy that lives here now. They look like me from the description! I want to see them!" "You could've waited until the next visit." The masculine voice quickly responded. "Oh yeah? And when was the last time we visited here? Like, four years ago?? You know those two aren't on good terms!" The feminine voice retorted, the masculine one about to respond until a curtain moved from upstairs.

The two crouched down by the front door, staring at the window above until it went back to normal. "Okay, what room do you think they're in?" The masculine voice spoke up. The other stayed silent before quickly getting up and trying to see through the first window. "You don't know, got it." The masculine voice spoke up again, going the opposite way and copying their partner's action.

Half an hour had past before a "Psst!" could be heard. The masculine one looked over, taking a moment to find their partner until they looked up. They found them up a pipe, peering into a window with the curtain. "Did you find them?" They asked, getting a nod in return. "Okay, good! Now let's go home!" A shake of the head was the reply. "Spring! Come on!" "Wait a second! I think it's a boy!" The two argued before a light flickered on by the front door. It opened shortly after.

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