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•Birds eye pov•

"I think I have feelings for him, Jack."

Hoodie kept his gaze far from Jack, slightly ashamed to have actually admitted his feelings. "Really?" Jack responded, sounding surprised as he sat down next to the proxy. He really wasn't expecting to be told something like that, he assumed it was something to do with a mission or something that Masky had said. "Do you feel better after saying that?" Jack asked. Even though this was a requested task, he still cared about the proxy. They weren't friends but close enough to talk to each other. Hoodie nodded at Jack's question, he felt so much better now that he'd told someone. "Please don't tell anyone though, Masky and I's friendship would be put on the line if he found out." Hoodie spoke, Jack nodding and getting up. He lifted his mask and gave the proxy a smile before leaving him be, closing the door behind him and sighing a deep sigh. He'd feel guilty for this, extremely guilty. But he was a man of his word.

Later that day, Jack finds himself back inside of his room with Masky, about to reveal his findings. "Did you figure it out?" Masky started, his body language suggesting he was nervous. Jack nodded and folded his arms, taking in a small breath. "He told me not to tell anyone. So pretend you overheard it if you wanna confront him." Jack warns, Masky nods. "He told me that he has feelings for you." Jack stated, rubbing his neck as he spoke. He wasn't sure how Masky would take it.

Both stayed silent for well over a minute, Masky frozen and staring blankly at his friend. The dark holes of his mask staring right back into Jack's. "Alright. Thanks for finding out for me." Masky finally responds, quickly letting himself out, barely giving Jack time to respond. "You're welcome!" He said as the door closed, slipping off his mask and sighing a guilty sigh.

Masky stood outside of Jack's door, staring at the ground before moving to his room. Thankfully Hoodie wasn't there anymore, Masky spotting him downstairs talking to Ben a few moments ago. He held his body against the door, slouching over as he thought about what he'd just been told. His feelings about Hoodie had changed the day Hoodie had gotten injured. He never thought about what he felt until now. His heart rate shot up when he was near him, he'd get a tiny bit flustered with his remarks..."Jesus Christ..." He whispered to himself. He felt the same.

He could accept his feelings though, could he? The operator would hang one of them if he found out...Masky started to panic before the door attempted to open, he got off and saw Hoodie poke his head in. Masky stood still and stared, quickly going past him as Hoodie opened the door to its fullest capacity. "Hey, Masky?" He stopped and looked back. "I need to talk to you." Hoodie told him. "Now?" Masky responded, Hoodie nodded. He let Masky back inside and shut the door, letting out a frustrated sigh. "He promised he wouldn't tell anyone." Hoodie started off, leaving Masky stunned a little. "How did you find out?! We just stopped talking!" Masky countered, revealing that what Hoodie suspected was true. "Ben told me. He overheard you two talking and started to listen in once he heard something about a secret." Hoodie responded, crossing his arms. "If you don't want me around you anymore, I understand!" "Hoodie." "I'd be uncomfortable too if I found out that someone I saw as a friend liked me." "Hoodie. Listen to me." Masky interrupted for the second time, shutting Hoodie up immediately. "I feel the same way as you, but it can't happen." He told the proxy, leaving him confused. "You...what..?" He responded, Masky sighing and standing up. "The operator would have our heads if he found out. He's not too happy with relationships in his household." Masky explained, Hoodie staring down at him before speaking up. "I'll take the fall if he finds out." He stated, Masky tutting at his idea. "I will, I'll make sure you don't get blamed." He told him, dead serious in his statements. "You're being stupid. He doesn't go about punishments in a nice way." Masky retorted.

The two argued about it for a while, Hoodie sticking to his statement before Masky finally agreed. It was official now, the two proxies were a couple.



Can you tell I hate saying couple and shite 🗿

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