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•Birds eye pov•

Two weeks had past since Spring and Carnival's visit. Masky and Hoodie had been sent on a mission to find and destroy a camera, which contained footage of The Operator.

The two walked in mostly darkness, daylight only seeping through small parts of the branches and leaves above. Some would find the scene beautiful, but to the proxies, it was a boring sight. The two continued to walk until a new set of footsteps followed behind them, causing the two to pull out their weapons and turn around as quickly as they could. They stood in their defence positions before realising it was those two colourful stalkers. Spring and Carnival. "What are you two doing here?" Masky asked, slipping his knife back into its holster while Hoodie slipped his pipe back into his pocket.

"We were wandering and then Spring caught sight of you." Carnival answered as Spring bounced up and down with excitement, seeing Hoodie again was a dream come true! "Well, piss off. We're on a mission and we don't need any distractions." Masky responded, crossing his arms. "What type of mission?" Carnival asked, crossing his arms in a more friendly type manner. "We need to find some film camera." He told Carnival honestly, Spring immediately jumping in. "We can help! We can help get it done faster!" She yelped with a bright energy, her hands held together as if she was praying. Masky sighed and looked over at Hoodie, who was standing with his hands in his pockets. He didn't seem phased at all by her action.

"Fine, but don't talk to us." Masky agreed, turning around and starting to walk. Spring nodded and quickly followed on, staying close to Hoodie. Carnival sighed and followed on. He watched as Spring stared endlessly at the taller man, taking small breaths as if she were about to start talking. Carnival rolled his eyes and started to look out for a camera.

Half an hour past, all that could be heard was the crunching of leaves as the four proxies walked. Suddenly, Hoodie broke away from the group, his eyes locked on something. Spring immediately followed after him, peering over his shoulder as he picked up something covered in dirt. Masky and Carnival kept walking, hardly noticing the other two's departure from the group. Hoodie dusted the item off, revealing it to be the camera him and Masky were looking for in the first place. He didn't pay attention to the peering Spring, looking back at her for a moment before pocketing the camera. Spring took a step back before Hoodie got up, walking past her to catch up with Carnival and Masky. "Hoodie, isn't that the camera..." He wasn't listening, he just kept walking. Spring sighed and marched on, glaring at the man under her mask. Why was he ignoring her? He was supposed to be the better one!

The four walked until they circled back to the Slender Manor, Spring and Carnival following the two to the front door. All four stopped when The Operator suddenly appeared at the door, the proxies stepping back to give him space. "Has the mission been successful?" He asked his two proxies, Masky going to speak but Hoodie grabbing his arm out of view from The Operator. He nodded his head as Masky stared at him confused, did he find it and not tell him?

The two were about to enter the Manor when Spring suddenly spoke. "But Hoodie, you picked the camera up and kept it! I saw you!" She squeaked, resulting in everyone freezing solid. Masky whipped his head towards Hoodie, who only stared forwards. He then lowered his head, leaving Masky in slight shock. Masky then turned around, staring right at the girl who'd just ratted out his partner. "He wouldn't do that. Now, piss off back to your freak show circus." He told her, his eyes not leaving the teenager for a moment. He then grabbed Hoodie's wrist, dragging him inside and closing the door behind them.

Carnival and Spring were left with the tall Operator. Nobody said a word until Spring stepped forwards, Carnival doing the complete opposite and stepping back. "I watched him." She spoke again.

Hoodie sat on his bed, Masky having pushing him there. "What the fuck were you thinking. Why didn't you destroy it, and better yet! Why did you let her watch you?!" Masky started off, stepping back as he started to raise his voice. Hoodie had no answer. "Brian, answer me." Masky spoke again, taking a step towards Hoodie. He didn't answer again. "BRIAN, WHY DO YOU HAVE IT?!" He yelled, grabbing the camera from his pocket. "I wanted to go over the footage. I wanted to see what was found." He responded quietly, hanging his head. "You're a fucking idiot. You know that? YOU KNOW HOW FUCKING STRICT HE IS WITH MISSIONS NOT BEING COMPLETED. IF IT WASN'T DONE CORRECTLY, SURE, YOU'D GET A PUNISHMENT. BUT IF YOU DIDN'T DO IT AT ALL?!" He continued to yell until the door flung open. Masky quickly have Hoodie the camera back, Hoodie hiding it in his pocket as the Operator appeared. He'd seen it. "Sir, it was me. I told him to take it, it wasn't his fau-" Masky tried to defend, but his mind went blank. Dizziness overtook his mind as he fell back, landing on Hoodie's bed before his mind became clear again.

He held his head as he blinked rapidly, moving his head to the side, only to be met with...nothing. It took Masky a moment to process what had happened before he shot up and ran out of the room, immediately heading downstairs to the Operator's office. He slammed into the door and started to bang on it, cussing and screaming at him to come out. He then noticed that it wasn't locked, opening the door and once again being met with noting.

"Masky?? What're you screaming at??" Toby appeared, approaching the proxy before being pushed past. Masky headed to the front door, finally stopping as he reached the grass. Toby followed him, calling his name. "COME OUT, COME OUT YOU BASTARD!!" Masky screamed, calling out another two times before a quick static appeared. The Operator stood before him and Toby, a black tendril appearing and tightly wrapping itself around Masky's neck, choking him while Toby watched in horror.

Masky was dropped after a full minute of struggling, gasping for air and coughing. "Wh-where is he?!" Masky coughed out, The Operator staring down at him as his tentacles spread out behind him.


Masky went silent as The Operator disappeared, Toby running up to Masky and helping him up. "Masky?!" He yelled, keeping him stood upright. Masky stayed quiet and limp, The Operator's voice haunting his mind. He suddenly stood up straight, gripping onto Toby's arm. He then whispered something to him, his eyes wide under his mask. "I'm going to fucking kill her."

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