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•Birds eye pov•

"You're pacing again." Carnival spoke, sitting up from the colourful bedsheets that decorated his bouncy mattress. The two were sent back to their home, exactly four miles from their most recent destination. "I'm sorry! I just can't stop thinking about him! I wanna know more!" Spring complained, taking off her mask and collapsing onto her bed, placed nicely next to Carnival's. Spring's long, blonde hair poured out of her hood as her head collided with the pillow. She was no younger than sixteen.

"No offence, but you don't have a chance. The guy's probably in his twenties" Carnival responded, staring at his friend. "Oh, please! He's not far off our age!" She dismissed. "And how would you know?" Carnival crossed his arms, a brow raising under his mask. "He's as tall as you!" Spring answered, a proud smile on her face as she came to her conclusion. "Right. Masky's around the same height as you, and he's twenty-eight. That's your argument right out of the window." Carnival dismissed, leaving Spring with an irritated expression. "It'll happen one day! Even if I have to force it!"

•Slendor Manor•

A soft ticking noise could be heard. It was from a small clock that sat on Masky's side cabinet, helping him keep track of his medication intake. The ticking was the only thing that could be heard inside of the room, despite both proxies being there. Masky was out cold, holding onto his partner as he slept. Hoodie could do nothing but stare, too afraid to move in case he accidentally woke the man up.

Hoodie wasn't a strong sleeper. The slightest noise and he was awake for the rest of the night. The only times he did sleep was when he was with Masky, either on his shoulder or laying in their room. Masky slept with his mask off, while Hoodie kept his on for now. He wasn't a fan of taking it off, especially now after the rough proxies lurking around the manor.

After two hours at least, Hoodie took his gaze off of his partner, instead directing it to the window. All he could see were miles of trees, their branches swishing with the wind. He watched for hours, his arm wrapped tightly around Masky. He could stay like this for days. But of course, the sun had to rise.

Masky woke up not long after, giving his partner a soft kiss on his cloth covered cheek, resulting in Hoodie pulling at his hood strings and closing up his hood. Masky could only smile and roll his eyes playfully before finally leaving Hoodie's side. He grabbed his mask and slipped it on, sitting back down on Hoodie's mattress after changing into his flannel. Hoodie soon fixed his hood, sighing before leaving his bed and holding his partner's hand. "You need to sleep more often." Masky stated to his partner, hoodie just shrugged and let go of his hand once the door was opened. "Pretty difficult to do when you're there." He responded, earning a soft nudge from his partner. "Shut up and find out what our jobs are today!" Masky shook his head playfully, being mindful to now be more silent now that they were out in the open.

Hiding their relationship was becoming a pain.



This chapter was mostly just filler, I apologise for that 🗿

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