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•Masky pov•

"I...What?" I responded, wanting to make sure I heard him correctly. "My name's Brian." Hoodie responded a second time. I stayed silent for a few moments before nodding and introducing myself too, forgetting he already knew. "Tim." I told him. "I already know, I overheard you at the hotel." Hoodie responded, a small smile laying on his face. I looked away, wanting to start a conversation now that he was finally speaking to me. "What was your life like before you met me?" I asked, mentally punching myself as I asked. Why would he share that? "Average." He responded, surprising me as I didn't actually expect a response. "It was average until I kept getting headaches, it was like static was taking over. Now I know what that was." He responded, his smile fading away as he finished his sentence. We were meant to meet, weren't we?

We spoke for a long while on the train ride home, taking about our lives before and getting to know each other a bit more. I now know his surname, Thomas, while he knows mine. The two others that were riding with us left five or six stops ago, the train station was closing as we got to our last stop, our town. We left with our stuff and wandered around, continuing our conversation until we reached the forest. We began walking, slipping on our masks as we got deeper, going quiet quite quickly.

We walked side by side until I felt something on my hand, looking down and hearing Brian's voice fill my ears. "Sorry, I didn't mean to." He told me, I nodded as he slipped his hands into his pockets. I didn't look forward again until at least ten seconds had passed, responding to him once I snapped back into reality. "It's fine."

We finally arrived back at the mansion after half an hour of complete silence, our hands on our weapons. These may of been Slender's woods but our enemies still lured inside of them. We walked through the front door, yelling and fighting being the first thing we saw. I sighed and let Hoodie inside, closing the door behind him before excusing myself with the chaos Jeff, no doubt, ensued.

•Hoodie pov•

We entered the mansion, screaming and shouting hitting my ears like a brick falling from a high place. I was let inside before Masky left me at the door, attempting to break all the fighting up. I forgot he was The operator's main proxy, giving him more power than those around him. It made me feel sort of safe being around him. Of course, some were wary around him due to his random bursts of anger, but they all knew he wouldn't say anything to the Operator while experiencing one of his episodes.

As I stood at the door, I started to think about today and the events that followed. I doubt if I didn't push Masky, everything would still be the same. He'd still despise me, probably even more than before. I thought about how he cared for me after he eliminated the target, he was so...gentle? Maybe not gentle but I could tell he genuinely cared about me, it made me feel happy.

I shook my head and cleared my thoughts before wandering upstairs, watching the screaming match from the staircase, a small smile making its way onto my face from under my mask. It was amusing to see Jane and Jeff screaming and trying to attack each other while Masky and Ben try and hold them apart. It was a nice way to end an eventful day!

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