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•Birds eye pov•

Two weeks has passed since Masky and Hoodie's last mission. Once they returned, Hoodie felt differently about his partner, different in a way he didn't understand at first. He thought about how he felt often, especially when being around his partner. He realised what it was very recently, resulting him to slowly revert back to his silent state.

•Masky pov•

Hoodie and I were in our room, both of us completely silent. I've noticed that he's been getting quieter and quieter around me, I didn't want him to revert back to before. I tried to start a conversation with him earlier, he didn't respond to anything I asked or said. It made me feel annoyed, mostly tired though. Before, communication with him was like talking to a brick wall. Now? It's slowly becoming the same. He responds to me in actions, signals and the occasional word. Without that occasional speech, it would be like before.

I sighed quietly before raising myself from my bed, making my way to the door. I could feel Hoodie's eyes on me as I left. I wanted him back to the new normal. I had tried everything, so I had no other choice but to go to my last resort.

I walked down the hall before stopping in front of a door, taking a small breath before knocking gently three times on the wooden door. I heard footsteps and the door eventually opened, a grey skinned creature greeting me staring at me. "I need your help, Jack." I started, he sighed and let me inside of his room. Eyeless Jack was the only person I could fully trust in this household, apart from Hoodie and Toby of course.

"Alright, how can I help?" He responded after closing his door, I crossed my arms and sighed once more. "Hoodie's gone quiet again." I told him. "Again? Is there a reason why?" He asked me, crossing his arms in a similar fashion to mine. "I don't know. He just started to go quiet after the past two weeks. He looks as if he's thinking about something every time he's with me, maybe that has something to do with it?" I responded, starting to rub the side of my neck as I thought about Hoodie's actions. "Alright. What do you want me to do? You haven't come over to complain about it, so tell me." Jack said, starting to lean against the wall and smirk a little at me. I smiled under my mask at him, lowering my arm and starting to think for a moment. "Can you talk to him? Try and get it out of him? You're good at getting your way. If anyone can get it out of him, it's you." I replied, he nodded and pushed himself off the door, opening it to let me out. I walked towards it and heard him speak as I left. "Leave it to me."

•Birds eye pov•

It had been a day since Masky spoke with Jack. Jack decided to finally keep his promise and start his investigation that day, leaving his room after slipping on his blue, tear stained, mask. He wandered downstairs where he saw Toby and Masky speaking to each other, no sign of Hoodie. He ventured to another part of the large home, finding a few others.

After a while of searching, he concluded that he must be inside of his room. Either that or he'd went out. He made his way back up and stood in front of the proxy's door, about to knock when it opened. Hoodie jumped a little when he saw Jack, stepping back a step and giving a small wave. "Hey, can we talk?" Jack asked, Hoodie staring before nodding and letting the boy inside. Hoodie closes the door as Jack glances around the room, Masky's side is quite plain, while Hoodie's had some colour to it with the belongings he'd stolen in the past.

Hoodie tapped Jack on the shoulder, noticing he was distracted. Jack apologised and turned around. "We've all noticed how quiet you've been. If there's something wrong, you can tell me." He spoke, tilting his head to the side and crossing his arms. Hoodie shook his head and held his hands up, indicating he was fine. Jack, wanting to keep his promise, didn't take that as an answer. "Hoodie, has Masky said something?" "No, no! Of course not..!" He jumped in, Jack finding it odd. He hadn't spoken in three days but does when Masky's brought up? "Okay, okay! He's been worried though, Hoodie. He doesn't show it but he is. Are you sure there's nothing going on? I won't tell anyone." Jack asked, putting his trust with Hoodie on the line. Hoodie stayed silent, thinking of what he should say. "There's one thing that's been on my mind for a while..." Hoodie started, sitting down on his bed and looking away from Jack. Jack immediately started to pay serious attention, his little investigation was going to be over more quickly than he anticipated.

"I think I have feelings for him, Jack."

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