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•Birds eye POV•

Seven months had passed. Fear sat amongst the two proxies and Jack. Those three were the only ones that were supposed to know, and they were. That was until someone had caught the two without their knowledge and told someone else, from there it spread.

The three sat in Jack's room, all waiting for the inevitable visit from the Operator. The two proxies held hands, Masky staring at the door while Hoodie's head was hung low. Jack stared at the two, trying to think of a plan. "We could tell him that it was just a rumour?" Jack suggested. "They wouldn't lie about something like that. The worst they would do was tease us. They thought we weren't interested in each other at all, plus, they too, knew the consequences if he found out we were." Masky responded, shaking his head before staring right back at Jack.

Jack sat up and continued Masky's previous action, staring at the door until footsteps could be heard. Then a knock. Jack got up and opened the door, only letting himself be seen. Hoodie grip tightened on Masky's hand, his promise playing in his mind over and over again. He was going to take the fall. He would be the one to sustain the punishment.

"What do you want, Toby." Jack asked the shorter boy at the door. "The Operator sent me to find Masky and Hoodie. Are they here?" The boy asked, keeping quiet as he spoke. Hoodie went to get up but Masky stopped him, shaking his head at Jack. Jack noticed and passed the action on to Toby. "Haven't seen them. Sorry." He responded, about to close the door but Toby put his foot in the way. "Jack, please. If I don't find them soon, i-it'll be m-my ass on the li-line!" He explained, Hoodie sighing quietly. "I promised that I'd take the fall for it, Tim. Not you or Toby." Hoodie whispered, Masky shaking his head.

"Be honest with me, Jack. Ha-have you seen them?" Toby asked one more time. "Fine. I've seen them." The two proxies went silent and stared at Jack, who glanced in

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