Chapter Seven

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Location: Sakura Empire. Two days after last chapter.

The forces of the Sakura Empire could be seen talking to one another and being very friendly to one another, being that in these trying times they needed the bond they shared between each other to guild them through this war torn world.

But one such person did not mingle with the girls.

This girl could be seen standing on one of the highest buildings of the empire as she observed the exchange of sweet words and kind gestures between the ship girls.

And all she could do was just wonder why?

Why do these organic life forms exchange such unnecessary thing?

For wouldn't it be better to focuses all of this wasted energy on furthering the will of there leaders?

'Atheon catalog number one, I have arrived in a strange new world called Earth, this planet shares many similarities to the earth from my original world. Apart from many this, one being humans technology being significantly more primitive. Two, there seems to have been no great calamity that fell the world. Third, there is no records of extraterrestrial alien life apart from a group of entity's called the sirens. And lastly in this world there are no guardians'

The axis mind stopped it's recording as it looked at its own hands in vivid confusion. A strange new feeling just arised...... One that was alien to the vex god.

'Also this unit has been tainted with organic matter turning it into techno organic entity.... Reason for this is still unknown. This is Atheon catalog number one signing off'

The recording stopped as the vex turned as she heard the sound of footsteps approaching.

And saw the white Kitsune what was Kaga.

And Atheon knew this fox because well..... Nagato decided that it would be best if their newest member was to have a personal guide throughout the entire Sakura Empire. So she elected Kaga to be the one to show her around.

And we'll the Kitsune reaction is what you would assume it to be.

Flashback: a few minutes after the meeting

Nagato, her sister and the bodyguard watched as Atheon left to her personal quarters that nagato gave to her, and upon her disappearance back to her dorm. Everyone took a massive sigh as their bodies became less tense turning very slumped.

They couldn't explain why, all they could say was that just being in her very presence put them on high alert. As it felt like an invisible force was crushing their very being just by being in close proximity to her.

"Wow that was tough" Mutsu sister of Nagato what's the most exhausted out of the trio, her childish personality made it to where she usually takes kindly to most others. But during that entire meeting she didn't peep a single word, out of fear that if she uttered something out of line destruction was all that would have a waited her. As her ticket to the afterlife would have been punched and she would have been sent away to the forever box.

"Lady nagato I must conclude with lady Mutsu, even though I engaged with conversation with our newest member that was still positively the most stressful situation of my life."

Nagato looked at her assistant baffled, she knew all too well of the presents that this Atheon exuded after all she just experienced it. But for her bodyguard who was one of the best warriors of the Sakura Empire, to claim that this exceeded all other missions. All other life or death situations, when Atheon showed no hostility towards them gave the leader of this Empire a brand new understanding of how terrifying their newest assailant was.

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